badgirl101 added a new chapter to real hollywood
episode 6-will amanda [amy for short] survive?
[amy is quickly rushed to the hospital]
dr.paige-"she isn't alright, it was a lot of excitement and that made her blood pressure go up"
lady gaga-[sobs]
colt-"it's okay" [gets very close where they make eye contact]
lady gaga and colt-[kiss]
lady gaga-"i love you colt"
colt-"forget amanda, we can be together in peace if we just give her the money"
lady gaga-"of course we can, as soon as she is better i'll give her the money, and she will go away and we can be together forever"
colt-"i am glad... Read Full Chapter
dr.paige-"she isn't alright, it was a lot of excitement and that made her blood pressure go up"
lady gaga-[sobs]
colt-"it's okay" [gets very close where they make eye contact]
lady gaga and colt-[kiss]
lady gaga-"i love you colt"
colt-"forget amanda, we can be together in peace if we just give her the money"
lady gaga-"of course we can, as soon as she is better i'll give her the money, and she will go away and we can be together forever"
colt-"i am glad... Read Full Chapter
on May 29, 2014

badgirl101 added a new chapter to real hollywood
episode 5-seeing colt's life and tying the not!
amy-"wow! that was a long night"
amy-"might be the longest sleep i'll ever get"
amy-"well! don't wanna be late on my date with colt! better get dressed!"
amy-[changes into a blue hoodie with some dark blue jeans]
amy-"okay, he said that were going on a nice peaceful picnic, and then go skating, and then well, do a lot of stuff! this is going to be a long day!"
amy-"i'm like so hungry!"
amy-"but i can't eat! were going on a picnic!"
amy-"but i'm starving!"
amy-"won't eat anything i... Read Full Chapter
amy-"might be the longest sleep i'll ever get"
amy-"well! don't wanna be late on my date with colt! better get dressed!"
amy-[changes into a blue hoodie with some dark blue jeans]
amy-"okay, he said that were going on a nice peaceful picnic, and then go skating, and then well, do a lot of stuff! this is going to be a long day!"
amy-"i'm like so hungry!"
amy-"but i can't eat! were going on a picnic!"
amy-"but i'm starving!"
amy-"won't eat anything i... Read Full Chapter
on May 28, 2014

badgirl101 added a new chapter to real hollywood
episode 4-meeting the guys
amy-"wha? oh! it's the day! i am meeting guys and if i find the one i am getting money!"
amy-"well, i better dress up"
amy-"i need something to wow the guys"
[amy [puts on a red shiny dress that stops at her thighs]
amy-[takes deep, deep, deep, deep, breath]
amy-"well here's my first time, i better try my hardest to fall in love..."
[amy opens the door and goes down a lot of steps]
[amy sees a man]
man-"i am one of the cast members, my name is ace"
amy-"can i go back in my room for a min?"
ac... Read Full Chapter
amy-"well, i better dress up"
amy-"i need something to wow the guys"
[amy [puts on a red shiny dress that stops at her thighs]
amy-[takes deep, deep, deep, deep, breath]
amy-"well here's my first time, i better try my hardest to fall in love..."
[amy opens the door and goes down a lot of steps]
[amy sees a man]
man-"i am one of the cast members, my name is ace"
amy-"can i go back in my room for a min?"
ac... Read Full Chapter
on May 22, 2014

badgirl101 added a new chapter to real hollywood
episode 3-no sleepy heads allowed!
lady gaga-"sleepy head! theirs no sleeping when you become a star!"
amy-"can i just get in the limo and go to the show!"
lady gaga-"whateves..."
[lady gaga and amy talk in the limo, and get to know each other]
amy-"and then, my brother said, your crazy! ya lil girl!"
lady gaga-[laughs hard]
lady gaga-"your stories are so funny!"
[amy tells her a few more funny stories]
amy-"ooh! were here!"
[lady gaga and amy get out of the limo, and lady gaga gives her a 2 hour tour]
amy-"i'm so tired! i ne... Read Full Chapter
amy-"can i just get in the limo and go to the show!"
lady gaga-"whateves..."
[lady gaga and amy talk in the limo, and get to know each other]
amy-"and then, my brother said, your crazy! ya lil girl!"
lady gaga-[laughs hard]
lady gaga-"your stories are so funny!"
[amy tells her a few more funny stories]
amy-"ooh! were here!"
[lady gaga and amy get out of the limo, and lady gaga gives her a 2 hour tour]
amy-"i'm so tired! i ne... Read Full Chapter
on May 22, 2014

badgirl101 added a new chapter to real hollywood
episode 2-becoming a star
amy-[walks up to lady gaga] "want do you want ms.crazy"
lady gaga-"it's lady gaga"
amy-"look, the only reason i came here is because of my friends, so don't expect me to be loyal"
lady gaga- "wow harsh"
amy-"just tell me what you want"
lady gaga-"you need to join our show"
amy-"for what"
lady gaga-"you find the one, you fall in love, you get 815,000$"
amy-"you had me at 815,000$"
amy-"i'll go tell my friends [walks away]
tessie-"i saw you talking to lady gaga!"
amy-"yeah...so we won't go home... Read Full Chapter
lady gaga-"it's lady gaga"
amy-"look, the only reason i came here is because of my friends, so don't expect me to be loyal"
lady gaga- "wow harsh"
amy-"just tell me what you want"
lady gaga-"you need to join our show"
amy-"for what"
lady gaga-"you find the one, you fall in love, you get 815,000$"
amy-"you had me at 815,000$"
amy-"i'll go tell my friends [walks away]
tessie-"i saw you talking to lady gaga!"
amy-"yeah...so we won't go home... Read Full Chapter
on May 19, 2014

thanks for following meQ

ok. well another tip. here is really fun so jes enjoy yourself!
on May 19, 2014

on May 19, 2014

no prob :)
on May 19, 2014

okay thanks for the tips!:)
on May 19, 2014

yea meaning super friendly
on May 19, 2014
on May 19, 2014

thanks for following me

on May 19, 2014

No prob, I haven't quite met some here, I know of some here. But this goes for any website, there's always gunna be that one jerk.
But 95% of people on here are awesome. (:
But 95% of people on here are awesome. (:
on May 19, 2014

And yes, I'm BlueTurkey, I'm known on Miiverse and Colors! 3D, also, grooveshark.com gtg ttyl
on May 19, 2014
on May 19, 2014

I am excited about joining q feast, I am 12 years old my birthday is on April 8th my name is shanon and I bet q feast will be so fun!
on May 19, 2014