real hollywood

real hollywood

amy a 17 year old girl has a life, a normal life, until she meets a celeb, she is chosen to act in hollywood, in a show called, the greatest love, this is kinda based off of a story, on a game called episode-choose your story, it's a little mix though. she has to choose from 2 guys. joe, the lazy guy, jaylen, the skater boy, colt. who is she gonna choose?

published on May 19, 201410 reads 5 readers 0 not completed
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Chapter 4.

episode 4-meeting the guys

amy-"wha? oh! it's the day! i am meeting guys and if i find the one i am getting money!"
amy-"well, i better dress up"
amy-"i need something to wow the guys"
[amy [puts on a red shiny dress that stops at her thighs]
amy-[takes deep, deep, deep, deep, breath]
amy-"well here's my first time, i better try my hardest to fall in love..."
[amy opens the door and goes down a lot of steps]
[amy sees a man]
man-"i am one of the cast members, my name is ace"
amy-"can i go back in my room for a min?"
[A SONG BY CINDEREALLA] [sorry i do not know what it's called]
when i was a little girl
my momma tuck me into bed
she'd read me a story
it always was a princess in distress
and a guy would save her and end up with glory
i'd lie up and bed and think about the person i want to be
then one day i realized the fairy tale life wasn't for me
i don't wanna be like cinderella
sittin' in a dark old dusty cellar
waiting for somebody, to set me free
i don't wanna be like snow white
waiting for some handsome prince to come and save me
on a horse of white unless were riding side by side
don't wanna depend on someone else i'd rather save myself

someday i'm gonna find someone who wants my soul,
heart, and mind
who's not afraid to show he loves me
somebody who will understand i'm happy just the way i am
don't need nobody taking care of me
i will be there for him just as strong
as he will be there for me
when i give myself it has got to be an equal thing

i don't wanna be like cinderella
sittin' in a dark old cellar
waiting somebody, to come set me free
i don't wanna be like snow white
waiting for a handsome prince
to come save me
on a horse of white, unless were riding side by side
don't wanna depend on someone else
i'd rather rescue myself

i can slay, my own dragons
i can dream, my own dreams
my knight in shining armour is me
so i'm gonna set me free

i don't wanna be like cinderealla
sittin' dark in a dusty old cellar
waiting for somebody to set me free
i don't wanna be like snow white
waiting for a handsome prince to come save me
on a horse of white unless were riding side by side-

ace-"come back down amy!"
[amy comes back down and ace starts to show the first man]
ace-"this is colt!"
colt-"hi amy, i go to the park a lot and i like partying i am rich and i go on a lot of adventures"
amy-"wow! that's pretty good no one can compare i think!"
colt-"i hope you love me because from i see i feel myself falling for you already!"
amy-[laughs] "me too!"
ace-"this is joe!"
joe-"i work at a pawn shop and like watching tv"
amy-"do you like to do anything else?"
joe-"nope! not so far!"
amy-"uh okay..."
ace-"so, witch one of them do you like the best?"
amy-"colt, he just seems so full of life and i am a very active person!"
amy-"and joe...he seems like...he doesn't do nothing at all...but watch tv..."
amy-"i'm just saying it!"
joe-the heck with you!
ace-"be quiet!"
amy-"yeah don't talk to her like that!"
ace-"okay, you guys go to your rooms, that's it for the rest of the day"
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