anonymous-user-pobCXp's Polls - Page 2
anonymous-user-pobCXp published 63 polls

Are vegans who wear fur or leather hypocrites?

Are you disgusted by child beauty pageants?
At what age should children own phones?

Should weight loss drugs be banned?
Do you believe toxic relationships in books influence young adults?
headass vs dumblefuck
Should anonymity be allowed online?
Do you believe your country's beliefs are better than that of certain others?
Is freedom of speech necessary in modern society?
Is homeschooling more affective than public school?
Is the use of GMO's ethical?
do you think hunting is morally acceptable?
how do you read the name "niah"?
if you had eyelids instead of foreskin, would it be called winking or blinking when the...
did this year feel long or short to you?
astrology or numerology?

do you think my art style is unique?

uwu vs O:-)
do you shower with the lights on?