anonymous-user-3mJufn's Polls anonymous-user-3mJufn published 63 polls Do religious people typically live better lives than atheists? Should we abolish the insanity plea? Is giving people in need necessities such as food, water, or shelter better than giving... How do you pronounce "preface"? Whats the longest you ever felt one emotion? Do you believe anyone will ever come to this year from the future? Do you ever want more from your partner? Should poor people be allowed to rob stores? w0ts your confidence level? What do you see the most advertisements for? Which "ism" do you believe is the most prevalent in your country? Do you want popularity? How bad are your periods? Whats the worst kind of pain? How many times have you snuck out of your house? Do you care if people photoshop their photos? Should parents help pay a small bit for their child's wedding? Uh how do you feel about people eating their placentas Do you think humanity will survive to the year 3000? R u ok bro 1 2 3 4 »