ZodiacAnimeFreak's Questions - Page 2
ZodiacAnimeFreak asked 43 questions

Should i Make a fanfic of flippyxflaky? I really love this couple!but i ask this so u c...

Should i change crystal? Some people r ofended that shes princess of heaven...idk why,t...
Who has pixel gun? I have pixel gun in my ipad,my user is called crystal xp The game i...
What costume r u gonna wear in Halloween? Im gonna Make my OWN costume of slenderman or...
Who was the first user of qfeast?0.0 Ive been wondering this...who was the user of qfea...
Why nobody talks to me? U know...Before i talk es and got a lot of notifications!but no...
nominate princess/prince/king and queen of sonic best sonic fan
nominate princess/prince/king/queen of kindnees x3 who is the most kind of qfeast {:3}
nominate princess/prince/king and queen of rp who is the best roleplayer of qfeast
nominate queen/king/princess and prince of insanity who is the most insane of all qfeas...
read please qfeast dosent let me put the question im making a story about SPOILER ALERT...

if u haded to ship crystal in a yuri way,with who?
who thinks evreyone is having a sonic pic? ive been seeing qfeasters wall,and then i sa...
have a youtube channel?i need voice actors u see my story school of heaven vs school of...
why nobody reads my story anymore... since the chapter of 11 years later people began n...
sould i make a yuri story? whem im done with my story should i write this time a fanfic...

Who wants to be in my new story and should my story be in high school or just like adve...

Should i do a other story? Im planing in writing a story of um like s anime! In qfeast ...