Should i change crystal? Some people r ofended that shes princess of heaven...idk why,they say because GOD dosent have wife or daugter This is just a sonic Fandom!not real life people!i love Jesús i love GOD!i love them cause they sacrifica for us!and they also made evrey thing!if it WASENT for them we wouldnt be here! Also people is saying it dosent Make sense that she is princess of heaven cause she goes in Insanity,if u had readed my story u WILL understand why So please tell me in the coments wat u dont like about crystal please,and ill see wat i can do!
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I think shes awesome. But if you want to change her its up to you :)

Aaaaww thank u!but i dont want to change her...but i only want to for my friends :(
on September 17, 2014
on September 17, 2014