Me:*hears guys talking to girls in school about umm you know* O.O *walks away sick to my stomache*
on January 31, 2015

on January 31, 2015

Im dying of boredom AAAAHHHH*runs through a wall but fails smacking face into solid concrete* Ow....
on January 30, 2015

I hate this new update...... :(

@matlen You can only post something on a persons wall if that person posts something first then if you post something after they do then you will have to wait until they post again to put up another post
on January 30, 2015
on January 30, 2015

~list of relationships in the sonic fandom for my characters~
1.Wrex X Frost
2. Dreadlock X Blaze
3. Nexus X Rouge
4. Cloud X Vaysha
5. Leon X Misty
6. Artyom X Swift See More
7. My mobian self X Sally
1.Wrex X Frost
2. Dreadlock X Blaze
3. Nexus X Rouge
4. Cloud X Vaysha
5. Leon X Misty
6. Artyom X Swift See More
7. My mobian self X Sally
on January 30, 2015

Like if you want to meet me in real life
~repost and you may be surprised by how many likes you get~
~repost and you may be surprised by how many likes you get~
on January 30, 2015

Normal people read books, we read fanfictions.
Normal people obsess over boy bands, we obsess over Destiel.
Normal people love celebrities, we love a time-traveling alien.
Normal people say, "Good luck," we say, "May the Force be with you."
Normal people play football, we play Quidditch.
Normal people say, "Goodbye," we say, "Live long and prosper."
Normal people speak English, we speak Elvish. See More
Normal people cry over a break up, we cry over Reichenbach.
Normal people live normal lives, we live our lives.
Repost if you are a true fangirl/fanboy.
Normal people obsess over boy bands, we obsess over Destiel.
Normal people love celebrities, we love a time-traveling alien.
Normal people say, "Good luck," we say, "May the Force be with you."
Normal people play football, we play Quidditch.
Normal people say, "Goodbye," we say, "Live long and prosper."
Normal people speak English, we speak Elvish. See More
Normal people cry over a break up, we cry over Reichenbach.
Normal people live normal lives, we live our lives.
Repost if you are a true fangirl/fanboy.
on January 30, 2015

~And now a story from my past~
Me:*is eight years old rubbing his hands together evily* >:3 and now its time to prank my sister as i do every year on april fools day..... hehehe....
Sis:*is thirteen and talking to her bff while putting make up on*
Me:*fills a glass with some milk water* Perfect.....*walks into her room*
Sis: What do you want!? X-(
Bff:*punches her arm* Be nice to your brother hes only eight......
Me:*big puppy eyes and sweet innocent voice* i brought you a glass See More of milk
Sis:*calms down* Oh....*takes it* Thank you*drinks* O.O*spits out* BLUGH WHAT THE HECK
Me:*runs* APRIL FOOLS >:3
Me:*is eight years old rubbing his hands together evily* >:3 and now its time to prank my sister as i do every year on april fools day..... hehehe....
Sis:*is thirteen and talking to her bff while putting make up on*
Me:*fills a glass with some milk water* Perfect.....*walks into her room*
Sis: What do you want!? X-(
Bff:*punches her arm* Be nice to your brother hes only eight......
Me:*big puppy eyes and sweet innocent voice* i brought you a glass See More of milk
Sis:*calms down* Oh....*takes it* Thank you*drinks* O.O*spits out* BLUGH WHAT THE HECK
Me:*runs* APRIL FOOLS >:3
on January 30, 2015

Me: SLAP ATTACK :3*slaps sister on her arm really hard*
Sis:*slaps my face* >: (
Me: Jerk.....
Sis:*slaps my face* >: (
Me: Jerk.....
on January 30, 2015

on January 30, 2015

Wrex and @Camillethehedgehog@14's oc Frost are married ^-^
on January 30, 2015

on January 30, 2015

Me:*hears someone say bae or hashtag in school*
on January 29, 2015

Me:*drinks some apple juice**remembers something from homestuck**stops and slowly puts the juice down*
on January 29, 2015
Me: Uh, no. I'm taken.
Perverted guy: *grabs my chest*
Me: *gasps and flips him over my shoulder*
Perverted guy: What the hell? Your coming with me. See More
Me: O.O I do not think so. *kicks him where the sun doesn't shine and runs*
Me: NO! DX
I hate my school....