Just sittin here listening to some gangster rap playin gta 5*sighs* This is how i release my emotions and it helps alot
on February 01, 2015

You guys wanna know something.... its kinda sad though....

Pretty pretty please, if you ever ever feel, like your nothing, your f*cking perfect
To us :3
Pretty pretty please, if you ever ever feel, like your nothing, your f*cking perfect
To us :3
on February 01, 2015

The sad thing is that i still feel like that today.... i just hide my emotions so nobody truly knows that i feel like breaking down in tears everyday....
on February 01, 2015
on February 01, 2015

on February 01, 2015


on February 01, 2015
on February 01, 2015

on February 01, 2015

on February 01, 2015

Me:*sticks hand in the cookie jar*? Г?
Mom: Put that cookie down*slaps out of hand*
Me: aw man :(
Mom: Put that cookie down*slaps out of hand*
Me: aw man :(
on February 01, 2015

~what just happened in a sonic rp~
Me: Hust because im a werehog doesnt mean im a dog sonic -_-
Sonic:*picks up a stick and throws it* Fetch
Me: Ooo i want the stick!*chases it like a dog*
Me: Hust because im a werehog doesnt mean im a dog sonic -_-
Sonic:*picks up a stick and throws it* Fetch
Me: Ooo i want the stick!*chases it like a dog*
on January 31, 2015

Me:*in mobian form* Tails stop death hugging me im not dead....*muzzle turns blue*
on January 31, 2015

I just had an ranmazing rp page idea!
on January 31, 2015

on January 31, 2015

Me:*looks at pictures from kindergarden all the way through 8th grade*
Past me in all pictures: -_-
Ninth grade picture: :D
Me: Wow i did not smile at all as a kid....
Past me in all pictures: -_-
Ninth grade picture: :D
Me: Wow i did not smile at all as a kid....
on January 31, 2015

Me:*hears moms alarm clock go off and wakes up at 7 a.m.**throws pillow at mom*
Mom: WTF
Me: Really mom, alarm clocks on a saturday!? -_-
Mom: WTF
Me: Really mom, alarm clocks on a saturday!? -_-
on January 31, 2015

Hey are you awake*pokes* :3
on January 31, 2015

Me:*in mobian form**is a werehog* As if i wasnt fwuffy enough, thanks alot eggman -_-
on January 31, 2015

Shout out to @camillethehedgehog14 your the best girlfriend in the world! ^-^
on January 31, 2015

~in school~
Me:*walking with a friend*
Friend: Hey look*looks at a girls ummm features* mmm looks good
Me:*looks away*
Friend: Whats wrong with you
Me: I have respect for women and im not a pervert like you....
Me:*walking with a friend*
Friend: Hey look*looks at a girls ummm features* mmm looks good
Me:*looks away*
Friend: Whats wrong with you
Me: I have respect for women and im not a pervert like you....

THANK YOU MANDO!!! Good boy for saying "features" instead of... well, you know what XD
on January 31, 2015
on January 31, 2015