I have my coisns here so who ever wants to talk to me and them you can! My baby cuz Noella, Emma, ands shy shy!Emma and shy are teens like me and noella dat baby!
on March 01, 2015

My tablet wall paper is my OC that Blue_Eyed_demon made!!!!!B) =3
on February 28, 2015

on February 28, 2015

Hai me bored.....what to do????=/ MY HAND ARE FREEZING XD X3

Shara : *looks up at her computer and its about to falls then uses powers to shut it off and bring it to her*
Katy : *Runs over*Shara! Shara!Shara!Shara!!Hey Shara, hey Shara,hey Shara,hey Shara-
Shara : You better shut up Katy or I'll get mad and I dont wanna be mad!
Katy : *shuts up* but I met new friends......
Shara : *rolls eyes and clambs the tree and continues See More game*cool
Katy : *Runs over*Shara! Shara!Shara!Shara!!Hey Shara, hey Shara,hey Shara,hey Shara-
Shara : You better shut up Katy or I'll get mad and I dont wanna be mad!
Katy : *shuts up* but I met new friends......
Shara : *rolls eyes and clambs the tree and continues See More game*cool
on March 01, 2015

Shara : I am so sorry I did not mean it *grabs shoe and puta it back on while ears are back a bit scared * I am soo soo sorry!
on March 01, 2015

Shara : *jumps down*Omg I'm so so sorry!
(*can we act like Shara and shadow never met before???*)
(*can we act like Shara and shadow never met before???*)
on March 01, 2015
on February 28, 2015

on February 28, 2015

on February 28, 2015

Lol I don't listen to my mom and I have scissorsX3
on February 28, 2015

ONE ROLE LEFT! Who should be Seiko Shinohari in Corpse Party - Sonic Style?
If you'd like to take the FINAL role in the story as Naomi's best friend, Seiko, in the Sonic-styled story of Corpse Party, comment below for a chance!
on February 28, 2015

Me so is!
Me so is!
on February 28, 2015

Bye me forgot to look at the time late for school =3 SEE YA LATER!
on February 27, 2015

XxSad_Little_LionxX uploaded a photo
made by Blue_Eyed_Demon THANK YOU SHE'S AWSOME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!=D

on February 27, 2015

Moms annoying me Night!
on February 27, 2015

D= I hate life sometimes!

Heh....... Its been how long since I posted this?....... I feel Like that still Everyday I feel its my fault things happen sometimes...... I think I actually can form a perfect fake smile......? Idk nor do I really care actually...
on August 25, 2015
on February 27, 2015

Me bored you don't know what to do!
on February 27, 2015

on February 27, 2015

What if I were never born????I just wanna know so plz Nu hate!

X3 I know but how would it effect like um "If you never had a crazy, weird friend like me what would you do" That's what I was trying to saying!
on February 27, 2015
on February 27, 2015
Me : XD X3
Emma : Omg shyianna shut up im gonna kill that lady where she live?
Me : Idk SHUT UP SHYIANNA *slaps her belly*
Shy : OW!!!
Emma : if you're llama then how do you have the thingy mubuttler you have??
Me : Emma u confusing!