Time For My OCs!
Basically, I keep making Creepypasta OCs, and some the information gets distorted from time to time so...Yep! You can ask or dare any one of my OCs! My OCs are~ Sophie, Edward, Kelly, Dylan, Andrew, and more in the future!
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35 photos per week limit. 10MB max/item

I dare Dylan to dump oil all over a bridge, light the oil, and try running all the way to the other side >:3
on July 29, 2015

on June 01, 2015

on April 27, 2015

on April 23, 2015

I actually made an ask blog of this...

Do you wanna build a corpseman?
Hiya! You may call me Cherry-mun. This an ask blog for my CP OCs! Including- Sophie- //girlfriend of...
on April 22, 2015

*does lame British accent* would you like some Nutella?

Kenny: :3 Yay!! *grabs a jar*
Dylan: See when you don't participate on anything and still get a reward? >:3 *grabs a jar*
Kelly: U-Um...Thank you missy...*gently goes to grab a jar*
Dylan: See when you don't participate on anything and still get a reward? >:3 *grabs a jar*
Kelly: U-Um...Thank you missy...*gently goes to grab a jar*
on April 21, 2015

on April 21, 2015
on April 21, 2015

This is not a question but... Pineapples :3
on April 03, 2015

Too edward,i dare you to give a kiss,to the person you hate

((Hey look!! I actually drew it!!))
on May 27, 2015
on April 03, 2015

To Sophie: Are you a psycho over Slenderman? If so, look at this. *shows you a Jeff x Slenderman picture*

on March 16, 2015
on March 15, 2015

Do a grey wolf male, he will be 27 years old, he will have guns and gadgets please can u make it
on March 15, 2015

Kenny could you and my Fnaf oc Sarah the fox Be friends???
on March 15, 2015

on March 13, 2015

Okay, to all: who do you like? More than a friend? P.s it doesn't have to be from this group.

(Imma just go with all of my OCs and some of the CPs)
Sophie & Slendy: *points to each other blushing*
Kenny: :/ I dunno. I barely joined the frickin' group.
Jeff: Dovhikin. (OCGirl's OC)
BEN: .....(In his mind: Sophie....) See More
Dylan: ? How am I supposed to choose? Everyone hates me, and I rather want things to stay like that.
Kelly: E-erm....J-Jack...(Same as what I said for Jeff)
Edward: Yuni...(-.- What I said for Jeff. Again.)
Sophie & Slendy: *points to each other blushing*
Kenny: :/ I dunno. I barely joined the frickin' group.
Jeff: Dovhikin. (OCGirl's OC)
BEN: .....(In his mind: Sophie....) See More
Dylan: ? How am I supposed to choose? Everyone hates me, and I rather want things to stay like that.
Kelly: E-erm....J-Jack...(Same as what I said for Jeff)
Edward: Yuni...(-.- What I said for Jeff. Again.)
on March 08, 2015
on March 08, 2015

on March 08, 2015

Here's another OC I made :3-
Real name: Kenny
Proxy name: (-.- I should change this to "nickname" ) Slicer
Age: 15
Looks: :/ He's BEN's older brother. So, pretty much, he has similar traits to him except....he looks completely human.
Personality: Too laid-back, serious
Enemy: Jeff See More
Likes: Playing FNAF and the Legend of Zelda series
Dislikes: Anyone who dares hurt him, BEN, and his games
Crush/BF/GF: No one....yet....
Other: Dunno what to put :/
Have fun questioning him AND daring-
Kenny: O.O What? You didn't say anything about-
Me: -.- I know you're scared of interacting with people- DEAL WITH IT.
Kenny: ....You're horrible.
Me: =_= I should be saying that to you! Anyways, ask away!
Real name: Kenny
Proxy name: (-.- I should change this to "nickname" ) Slicer
Age: 15
Looks: :/ He's BEN's older brother. So, pretty much, he has similar traits to him except....he looks completely human.
Personality: Too laid-back, serious
Enemy: Jeff See More
Likes: Playing FNAF and the Legend of Zelda series
Dislikes: Anyone who dares hurt him, BEN, and his games
Crush/BF/GF: No one....yet....
Other: Dunno what to put :/
Have fun questioning him AND daring-
Kenny: O.O What? You didn't say anything about-
Me: -.- I know you're scared of interacting with people- DEAL WITH IT.
Kenny: ....You're horrible.
Me: =_= I should be saying that to you! Anyways, ask away!
on March 08, 2015