on February 23, 2018

XxNarwhalChanxX added a new chapter to We Are Soldiers!
Requested Help (Chapter 21)
~~Normal POV~~
Darkness covered the camp, causing all the cats inside to act more glum than usual. Unbeknownst to them, this negative energy could only bring trouble.
Through the mist of this overcast day, three cats crawled into camp and past to the guards, right to an unsuspecting Kuturo.
"Who are you?" He hissed half heartedly, not in the mood after the lyna-not-lyna drama.
"I'm Poppystar." Said the one in front in an eerie voice. She was a pure white with blank blue eyes that stared... Read Full Chapter
Darkness covered the camp, causing all the cats inside to act more glum than usual. Unbeknownst to them, this negative energy could only bring trouble.
Through the mist of this overcast day, three cats crawled into camp and past to the guards, right to an unsuspecting Kuturo.
"Who are you?" He hissed half heartedly, not in the mood after the lyna-not-lyna drama.
"I'm Poppystar." Said the one in front in an eerie voice. She was a pure white with blank blue eyes that stared... Read Full Chapter
on February 21, 2018

Hey guys! I'm back but probably not for long. My main site is Qøutev so I'm not really on here all the time... My username to tag me there is @ArrestedMask
on February 21, 2018

XxNarwhalChanxX added a new chapter to We Are Soldiers!
Unrecognizable (Chapter 20)
~~ Lyna's P.O.V. ~~
I was following Kuturo and the others back to the secret place. By following, I mean I was beating them to the secret place. Even though they were flying, I was running the fastest I could and I was still beating them. I haven't had time to get used to my wings yet so I was running.
When we reached the secret place, everyone turned and stared at me. They didn't recognize me. "W-who is this, Kuturo?" Ina asked, stepping forward from the crowd that had gathered. "This cat... Read Full Chapter
I was following Kuturo and the others back to the secret place. By following, I mean I was beating them to the secret place. Even though they were flying, I was running the fastest I could and I was still beating them. I haven't had time to get used to my wings yet so I was running.
When we reached the secret place, everyone turned and stared at me. They didn't recognize me. "W-who is this, Kuturo?" Ina asked, stepping forward from the crowd that had gathered. "This cat... Read Full Chapter
on November 13, 2017

XxNarwhalChanxX added a new chapter to We Are Soldiers!
Captured And Freed...Again(Chapter 19)
— Ina's P.O.V —
I burst into camp, panting. Most cats glanced at me in a weird way as I ran to the highbranch. I jumped up onto it as I let out a yowled for everyone's attention. "Everyone, I have an announcement! Lyna has been captured again!"
Everyone gasped in shock and I heard several whispers. "What do you mean Lyna has been captured?!" Kuturo asked as flew up to stand beside me on the highbranch. "She's been taken again! They could've given her another shot! Or worse...turned her int... Read Full Chapter
I burst into camp, panting. Most cats glanced at me in a weird way as I ran to the highbranch. I jumped up onto it as I let out a yowled for everyone's attention. "Everyone, I have an announcement! Lyna has been captured again!"
Everyone gasped in shock and I heard several whispers. "What do you mean Lyna has been captured?!" Kuturo asked as flew up to stand beside me on the highbranch. "She's been taken again! They could've given her another shot! Or worse...turned her int... Read Full Chapter
on November 12, 2017