XxDragonheartxX added a new chapter to The legend of the Kairos

Chapter 2 Time
Miroan arrived at his lair. His lair was a cavern that glistened gorgeously in both the sun's rays and the moon's light. There were leaves in front of the entrance. This is a sign that Miroan was a leader of a tribe of white dragons called, the Merrowfang. He walked into the cavern.
Inside the cavern, Miroan wasn't alone. He had a son named Altoa. Altoa loved to read and go on adventures with his father, but he had an obsession. His obsession wasn't treasure like the normal dragons, instead,... Read Full Chapter
Inside the cavern, Miroan wasn't alone. He had a son named Altoa. Altoa loved to read and go on adventures with his father, but he had an obsession. His obsession wasn't treasure like the normal dragons, instead,... Read Full Chapter
on September 02, 2013

on September 02, 2013

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What Tasty Treat are you?
on August 17, 2013

on August 17, 2013

on August 16, 2013

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What Animal are you? (20)
on August 16, 2013

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What invader zim charactor are you like?
on August 16, 2013

Hey hey hey guess who? LOLZ!B)
on August 16, 2013

on August 16, 2013

on August 16, 2013

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What Regular Show character are you? (1)
on August 16, 2013