What Regular Show character are you? (1) Okay... this quiz is the ultimate Regular Show quiz EVER!!!! You can be a lot of different characters in this awesome quiz!! Caitdances published on November 21, 2012 Stacked 1/5 bd bkfchbjdvcblsouxbbo9uvghfgjv? WHAT THE??? ... You can take my money!!! <:( Alright... What is this?! Spanish?! It's called dummy text losers! ummm... cool? awesome? 2/5 Least fav episode? DO NOT ASK!! Sugar Rush what? Diary More Smarter Bald Spot dunno Bad Kiss The Box 3/5 Favorite episode? Weekend at Benson's Can't just pick one! Guy's Night Bad Kiss Death Bear Muscle Woman um... Diary Bunch of Baby Ducks 4/5 What is your fav catchphrase? Your fired!! ... Good show! Jolly good show!! Wohhhh! Yeah yea! MY MOM!! um... Cool Guys!! What was the question? 5/5 Favorite name? Pops!! :D Mordecai Benson Rigby Mitch Eileen um Bob Margret