I feel awful......Besides I didn't mean TO HURT anyone.I an very sorry anyways even if I dont say that your art is good.Like commet it.I like anyones art when they try thier hardest.So BEFORE I GO everyone's art is awesome and I mean it.Even if I don't say ir
on November 11, 2017

Whos on
on November 08, 2017

WolfieGirl12 added a new chapter to The Outsiders Sequel

Chapter 3
Why would my brother bring up dad out of the blue ? All I know is that is said we were alike.As we were walking to find dad. We noticed that dad was the gas station for work.When dad works so do we. We went home got our uniforms for work.My uniform was dark blue shirt with a navy blue pants.Even as a girl .Once we got dressed we headed off to work.The place was packed.”Hello, Dawn, Storm .” we heard voice coming from the back.Its one of dads friends Two-Bit.”H-hello “ I whispered sheepish.So ...
Read Full Chapter
on November 07, 2017

WolfieGirl12 added a new chapter to The Outsiders Sequel

Chapter 2
Once we returned home with hand full of bags of groceries.Me and my brother both work a part-time job to help our dad who works at a gas station with his brother Soda.We work at a restaurant on our side of town.Dad helped us carry the groceries in.Mostly because I’d can’t pick up more then one bag. Then dad saw my cut and got mad.” Why is Dawn hurt “ dad asked “We were at the store then when we walked out we got jumped by Socs and I’d tried to help.I told Dawn to run in the store and when she...
Read Full Chapter
on November 06, 2017

added a
quiz to the
favorite list

Which Soul Eater guy would be your boyfriend? If you like males
on November 06, 2017