Which Soul Eater guy would be your boyfriend? If you like males Yes, I know this has been done before, but I wanted to start with something I know about, so please don't kill me! Kanya888 published on December 13, 2014 Stacked 1/5 Do you like waffles? What the flap? Only if they're cool. Course I do, they give me the energy to be a star! 2/5 Should I remake this sometime? Nope, it's cool. It'll never live up to my standards. Make it more symmetrical next time. 3/5 Who would you be most likely to go on a date with and make it through without barfing? Soul Eater Evans Black*Star Kiddo-kun 4/5 What is important to you? Being cool, duh! Helping those who have big dreams make it to their goals. SYMMETRY! 5/5 Are you a Meister or a Weapon? (I will make a quiz to determine this sometime, right now just pick whichever) Meister. Weapon.