Lightstriker195's Questions

Lightstriker195 asked 17 questions
I was thinking about the next story to write, any ideas?
So, I've established a universe and the possibility to link them, so crossovers could be made, but from the universe, what to write? Idea 1: Anonymous: A story about a man who is an utter nobody, living as a bum, recently re...
2 / 1 profile question
Webcomic/Manga Artist Needed
So, with my story hitting 400 reads, I'd like to enlist someone to help me turn it into a Webcomic/Manga for Qfeast. If you are interested please PM me and we can discuss this. Thank you all for your support while i write this ...
0 / 0 profile question
Does anyone play minecraft factions?
I'm recruiting people to join my faction, and i dont trust anyone on the server. so i was hoping i could turn to the qfeast community to help. We currently have three members, and we have a good base and a large stock of suppli...
0 / 0 profile question
How do you get sand out of your ear?
OK, so I've been in Florida for about a week and yesterday I was swept up by a wave and pulled under,I hit my head on the bottom and got sand up in my ear. I have no idea how to get it out. Q-tips would only push it back in fur...
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Who Would You Bring Back?
If you could bring back any one actor for one more movie, who would it be?
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Any Ideas For My Webcomic?
So, if you read my most recent post, you know im looking for webcomic ideas (well, event wise). so here are the details so far, im not listing any events for sake of spoilers Title: Impure Quote: "All is Fair in Love and War" ...
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Anybody play Unturned?
I was wondering if anybody played unturned (3.12) because I'm trying to get together a PvP team.
0 / 0 profile question
On a scale from 1-10. what is your favorite color of the alphabet?
On a scale from 1-10. what is your favorite color of the alphabet, Yes or No? I'm VERY curious about what people will say
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Pokemon X/Y Crash
So i got a copy of Pokemon Y, and it played great.. until the ice cavern around the 6th=7th gym. i went into battle, and i made my lucario use Aura Sphere, The animation played, halfway through the volume stopped and then an er...
1 / 0
Confused about this question?
On a scale from 1-10, what is your favorite color of the alphabet?
5 / 0 profile question
Minecraft mobs, what would you be?
ok, so say you were a mob, but looked hman, what would you be? you can have a name and nickname, i would be carter the creeper (aka creep) wear a creeper hoodie. black pants, and carry tnt blocks everywhere,
15 / 0
Creepy pasta wikia
who else is a member to the creepy pasta wikia? I have the same user name and would like to know who all else is on it
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any recomendations?
any shows, movies, books, etc.? im falling apart right now and need to take my mid off it
10 / 0
Riddles: a bird that stays dry
The part of the bird that is not in the sky, which can swim in the ocean and always stay dry. What is it?
10 / 3
Riddles: A man is a liar
a man is a liar, who can say nothing but lies when he opens his mouth, he walks up to another man an says "i am a liar and can say nothing but lies when i open my mouth" is he telling the truth?
17 / 6
Riddles: sword and axe
a man says: if you tell me a lie, i will slay you with a sword, if you tell me the truth, i will slay you with an axe, what do you say to stay alive ps. no the answer is not stay silent, or hum
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if you were an animal for a day?
if you could change into any 1 animal for a single day, what would it be, im a black wolf >:)
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