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10 Questions - if you are a My Little Pony Season 4 know-it-all
on June 14, 2014

My Little Pony: FiM - Best of Twilight Sparkle
Viel Spaß :) PS: Falls die Qually. ein wenig "verändert" sein sollte liegt das daran, dass ich die einzelnen stellen nicht verändern konnte.
on April 08, 2014

I just changed my Qfeast username. My old username was Twily_Sparkle
on April 08, 2014

Some Twilight questions u could answer :
Q1: Who is Twilight's crush?
Q2: Twilight's pet?
Q3: What element is Twilignt?
Q4: Did Twilight turn to another type of pony? If so what type was it?
Q5: What are Twilight's hobbies ?
Q1: Who is Twilight's crush?
Q2: Twilight's pet?
Q3: What element is Twilignt?
Q4: Did Twilight turn to another type of pony? If so what type was it?
Q5: What are Twilight's hobbies ?
on February 09, 2014

hi Twilight!

See ya later Spike. i have some roual duties. *tries to fly* yay!! *falls* nvm. I'll take the train
on January 26, 2014
on January 26, 2014