Wonderbolt Pop Quiz Watch 'Testing Testing 1 2 3' to get most of the answers right! This is Twilight Sparkle , giving you a pop quiz! Twilight.Sparkle published on April 08, 2014 Stacked 1/5 Who is the commander of the Wonderbolts today? Type answer. Hint: 8 characters 2/5 Who won the Wonderbolt derby in the episode 'Sweet and elite' Soarin' Misty Fly Spitfire Fleetfoot Fire Streak 3/5 How many pegasi flew in the original squad? Type answer. Hint: 1 character 4/5 Who is the tenth leader of the Wonderbolts? Commander Easy Glider General Flash Spitfire 5/5 Who named the group 'The Wonderbolts' ? Commander Easy Glider Spitfire General Firefly