Best BTS Members - Top Ten List - TheTopTens®
Based on over 2,000 votes, V is ranked number 1 out of 9 choices. Agree? Disagree? Place your vote on the top 10 list of Best BTS Members.
on April 26, 2017

Most Attractive Members of BTS - Top Ten List - TheTopTens®
BTS, also known as Bangtan Boys, is a seven-member South Korean boy band formed by Big Hit Entertainment. Their name in Korean, Bangtan Sonyeondan, and Japanese, Bōdan Shōnendan, both translate to Bulletproof Boy Scouts.
on April 26, 2017

Why is everyone copying North and South, and calling themselves Northern and Southern Narnia? (Well, mostly Northern Narnia, but still!) *sighs*
on April 26, 2017

@Southern_Narnia Yeah, I was scrolling through the list of who I was following, and a bunch of people had that as their name next to their username.
@ACupOfTaeTwoSugaCubesAndAKookie Yep.
@ACupOfTaeTwoSugaCubesAndAKookie Yep.
on April 26, 2017
on April 26, 2017
on April 26, 2017

Hey, yo, I saw your username and decided to come on over! Nice, I see you know SAO and possibly don't hate it like everyone else seems to? :3

No i picked this name because im not creative for names and i like death gun cuz hes a dick and i am one too but hes cool i might change the name though @TsumikiMiniwa
on April 26, 2017
on April 26, 2017

Sorry to anyone I normally talk to a lot or rp with, I have a lot of testing and finals going on right now. I really do apologize, but I'll be done in about two weeks, alright? I can then take them back up again, and I'll be on again a lot more. :3
on April 26, 2017

Lol I was walking down the hall at school during passing period, and my friend stopped talking for a second to say hi to another friend that passed us by, and I faintly heard, "Converse, converse, I really hate converse" in the crowd. I literally stopped, shushed my friend when she turned back to me and opened her mouth to speak, and scanned the people around me as I tried to find the person who was playing Converse High. I then found the direction it was coming from, shoved my See More binder into her arms and told her I'd be back soon before I sprinted down the hall (weaving through people the entire time) to get to the source. I reached the player of the song, and it turned out to be my art teacher. We get to pick music she'll play for us during class, and I chose so much Kpop over the school year that she got into BTS and listened to it during her planning period. It was legitimately one of the best days of my Kpop life, learning I had converted my art teacher.
Lmao wow
I have never successfully converted a teacher.
Probably because all my teachers hate me.
I have never successfully converted a teacher.
Probably because all my teachers hate me.
on April 25, 2017
on April 25, 2017