Empty Melodies Character Submission
A small private school for young aspiring musicians with rough pasts is recently opened and ten students have been hand selected to attend. There will be struggles with their past, other students, and maybe even blossoming romance. This story is gonna involve depression and disorders so make the characters as interesting and empathetic as possible. Limit is two characters per person for now.
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35 photos per week limit. 10MB max/item

Name: Alexandra Clawrave
Age: 16
Musical instrument: piano &/or Saxaphone
Looks: long blonde hair with red and black streaks and brown eyes, usually wears a black hoodie, black snakeskin gloves and black jeans with black boots(black is fav colour), she has pale(ish) skin, she wears a gold cross around her neck. As well as a scar on her left eyebrow.
Personality: she goes from mood switches from Dark and serious to happy and funny to scared and depressed. She usually drops smug See More and clever remarks to win arguments but will fight if the time calls for, she is annoying at times and often gets into fights. Brings up scientific facts to confuse people while also being a touch religeous.
Past: she got her scar from falling into a rose bush as a child, she disposed roses since then. She is abnormally scared of spiders and is very insecure about her fears of the things she hasn't saw. She believes the scariest things are the things you don't see. When she was 9 she became a very good artist. But she didn't have many freind's due to being rude, arrogant, and introverted, this caused her to spend more time alone with her pets, who were mostly cats. So she started acting like an actual cat, meowing and hissing and often scratching at people. When she was 13 she found out that her twin, who presumably died of sickness, actually died from a wolf pack, while she had climbed to a top of a tree and could do nothing but watch. She lives with the guilt and hates her younger brother and parents for not telling her.
Disorders: anger issues, a little OCD, severe nightmares, phycopath
Freind's: 3
Family: most of her family is alive
Other: loves water and often watches the waves, can climb well, hates high cliffs.
Age: 16
Musical instrument: piano &/or Saxaphone
Looks: long blonde hair with red and black streaks and brown eyes, usually wears a black hoodie, black snakeskin gloves and black jeans with black boots(black is fav colour), she has pale(ish) skin, she wears a gold cross around her neck. As well as a scar on her left eyebrow.
Personality: she goes from mood switches from Dark and serious to happy and funny to scared and depressed. She usually drops smug See More and clever remarks to win arguments but will fight if the time calls for, she is annoying at times and often gets into fights. Brings up scientific facts to confuse people while also being a touch religeous.
Past: she got her scar from falling into a rose bush as a child, she disposed roses since then. She is abnormally scared of spiders and is very insecure about her fears of the things she hasn't saw. She believes the scariest things are the things you don't see. When she was 9 she became a very good artist. But she didn't have many freind's due to being rude, arrogant, and introverted, this caused her to spend more time alone with her pets, who were mostly cats. So she started acting like an actual cat, meowing and hissing and often scratching at people. When she was 13 she found out that her twin, who presumably died of sickness, actually died from a wolf pack, while she had climbed to a top of a tree and could do nothing but watch. She lives with the guilt and hates her younger brother and parents for not telling her.
Disorders: anger issues, a little OCD, severe nightmares, phycopath
Freind's: 3
Family: most of her family is alive
Other: loves water and often watches the waves, can climb well, hates high cliffs.
on April 27, 2017

Name:Violet Johnson
Age (13-17): 14
Musical Instrument (at most two): guitar
Looks (don't just put a picture): jet black hair with one purple streak, she usually wears eye-shadow that is a shade of purple. She only wears black blue and purple but she wear baggy clothes She has pale skin, and she has contacts but occasionally has to wear her glasses. She is 5'8" and very skinny
Personality (be descriptive, not abstract): Her personality doesn't match her style, when around See More others she acts very bubbly and is very outgoing and kind. She is never rude or mean toward other people though when she is by herself she can be very dark. She blames everything on herself
Past (give really specific details): Violet was raised by her father because her mother had died while giving birth to her. She didn't know what had happened until she made her dad tell her when she was 8 years old...after that she cut herself and became very depressed...she despised her father for not telling her earlier and wished she had died instead of her mom. When she was 12 she stopped acting depressed and instead she would act happy and normal in front of others though she had to try very hard to do so.she also had stopped eating unless someone shoved food down her throat....Violet plays guitar and listens to music to hide from her past and try to forget
Disorders (Be creative! Don't just use common disorders):anorexia, severe nightmares, and depression
Friends: none, yet
Family: Dad, and Aunt,
Other: sh hates when people call her anything but violet and when someone offends her or hurts her physically or mentally she stops talking to them and completely ignores them
Name:Violet Johnson
Age (13-17): 14
Musical Instrument (at most two): guitar
Looks (don't just put a picture): jet black hair with one purple streak, she usually wears eye-shadow that is a shade of purple. She only wears black blue and purple but she wear baggy clothes She has pale skin, and she has contacts but occasionally has to wear her glasses. She is 5'8" and very skinny
Personality (be descriptive, not abstract): Her personality doesn't match her style, when around See More others she acts very bubbly and is very outgoing and kind. She is never rude or mean toward other people though when she is by herself she can be very dark. She blames everything on herself
Past (give really specific details): Violet was raised by her father because her mother had died while giving birth to her. She didn't know what had happened until she made her dad tell her when she was 8 years old...after that she cut herself and became very depressed...she despised her father for not telling her earlier and wished she had died instead of her mom. When she was 12 she stopped acting depressed and instead she would act happy and normal in front of others though she had to try very hard to do so.she also had stopped eating unless someone shoved food down her throat....Violet plays guitar and listens to music to hide from her past and try to forget
Disorders (Be creative! Don't just use common disorders):anorexia, severe nightmares, and depression
Friends: none, yet
Family: Dad, and Aunt,
Other: sh hates when people call her anything but violet and when someone offends her or hurts her physically or mentally she stops talking to them and completely ignores them
on April 27, 2017

Name: Kira Williams
Age (13-17): 15
Musical Instrument (at most two): Piano, Violin
Looks (don't just put a picture): Long and thick black hair down to her waist, pale skin, vivid green eyes, long fingers, about 5'7", slender and willowy
Personality (be descriptive, not abstract): Kira is very quiet and anti-social, but if she takes a liking to someone, she will spend her time with them. She respects people who take their music very seriously like she does, as well as people See More who are very protective of and loyal to the people close to them, and she dislikes obnoxiously loud people. Anything messy or slightly out of place makes her fix it, otherwise she won't be able to move on, due to her OCD. Kira also likes people who are honest, because she can't tolerate liars or people who even hide a bit of the truth from her. She hates hypocrites as well. She also hates alcoholism and drugs, and is jaded and mistrusting when it comes to other people.
Past (give really specific details): Kira actually was really happy in her life with a normal, happy family until the day she turned five. On her birthday, some man visited her father with a couple documents, and he found out that Kira was not his biological daughter. He went crazy that day, and beat her and her four year old little brother almost to death, after he did the same to their mother. He started drinking after that, and Kira was forced to take care of the family, as well as deal with bringing her father drinks and going out to buy food. He sometimes caught her when he didn't have enough to drink, and stuffed her into the closet under the stairs, where she had barely any room to move around, and if she did, she would be rained with dirt and dust, which made her not able to breath well while in the closet. This caused her to develop claustrophobia and OCD, and she frantically cleaned everything in her sight. Her dad hit her mom, and eventually her mom left, leaving her and Charlie to the whims of their dad. She hasn't left that state of hell since, and it's made her incredibly jaded and mistrusting.
Disorders (Be creative! Don't just use common disorders): Alice in Wonderland Syndrome, OCD, Claustrophobia
Friends: Not many
Family: Charles "Charlie" Williams (younger brother by one year), John Williams (drunkard and abusive father), Maria Williams (beloved mother who left and made Kira mistrusting of people who want to be close to her)
Other: Athiest, doesn't believe in love, hard-hearted unless it comes to Charlie (who she's really protective of and is really soft and kind to, singing to him or playing for him sometimes), got her violin from her mother
Name: Kira Williams
Age (13-17): 15
Musical Instrument (at most two): Piano, Violin
Looks (don't just put a picture): Long and thick black hair down to her waist, pale skin, vivid green eyes, long fingers, about 5'7", slender and willowy
Personality (be descriptive, not abstract): Kira is very quiet and anti-social, but if she takes a liking to someone, she will spend her time with them. She respects people who take their music very seriously like she does, as well as people See More who are very protective of and loyal to the people close to them, and she dislikes obnoxiously loud people. Anything messy or slightly out of place makes her fix it, otherwise she won't be able to move on, due to her OCD. Kira also likes people who are honest, because she can't tolerate liars or people who even hide a bit of the truth from her. She hates hypocrites as well. She also hates alcoholism and drugs, and is jaded and mistrusting when it comes to other people.
Past (give really specific details): Kira actually was really happy in her life with a normal, happy family until the day she turned five. On her birthday, some man visited her father with a couple documents, and he found out that Kira was not his biological daughter. He went crazy that day, and beat her and her four year old little brother almost to death, after he did the same to their mother. He started drinking after that, and Kira was forced to take care of the family, as well as deal with bringing her father drinks and going out to buy food. He sometimes caught her when he didn't have enough to drink, and stuffed her into the closet under the stairs, where she had barely any room to move around, and if she did, she would be rained with dirt and dust, which made her not able to breath well while in the closet. This caused her to develop claustrophobia and OCD, and she frantically cleaned everything in her sight. Her dad hit her mom, and eventually her mom left, leaving her and Charlie to the whims of their dad. She hasn't left that state of hell since, and it's made her incredibly jaded and mistrusting.
Disorders (Be creative! Don't just use common disorders): Alice in Wonderland Syndrome, OCD, Claustrophobia
Friends: Not many
Family: Charles "Charlie" Williams (younger brother by one year), John Williams (drunkard and abusive father), Maria Williams (beloved mother who left and made Kira mistrusting of people who want to be close to her)
Other: Athiest, doesn't believe in love, hard-hearted unless it comes to Charlie (who she's really protective of and is really soft and kind to, singing to him or playing for him sometimes), got her violin from her mother
on April 27, 2017

Name: Anthony
Age (13-17): 14
Musical Instrument (at most two): Drums, ukelele
Looks (don't just put a picture): He has light brown hair which he is constantly dying different colours. It's in a short almost quiff cut. He is 5'3 and too skinny. He is chalky pale, and has silver eyes. A smile almost always rests on his mouth, even when he is mad. Fragile looking. Trying to hide feminism with masculinity. He likes wearing sweaters and either; button ups, or dark coloured See More flannels. He is in love with pastels, beanies, and flower crowns. He loves converse shoes.
Personality (be descriptive, not abstract): a sweetheart full of love and hope. Though, when it comes to mood drops, his mind drops to the very pits of hell. He tries to be hopeful, and optomistic. He lives people, but gets really bad social anxiety when he's around knew humans. When he gets friends, he is very protective and clingy around them. ((Not letting anything hurt them, hates people getting too close... etc.))
Past (give really specific details): As a child Anthony liked to go on adventures, and run away. He didn't realize that he was doing something wrong, he just liked going on adventures. He had a decent childhood, except every now and then when his stepdad would get drunk or high, and beat his mom. Anthony wanted to be a prince, and always tried to make crowns and swords. His sister was born when he was five. When she got older, they'd play together, and run through the woods behind their house. He began getting scared at the smallest noises, and stayed inside. He didn't like loud noises, he'd, hit the ground and scream, while flailing if you scare him.
Disorders (Be creative! Don't just use common disorders): jumping Frenchmen Disorder, the only sounds he doesn't mind is music
Friends: heh, dunno, maybe? He'll try? *coughMaybeandrewCough*
Family: mom and stepdad, a little sister.
Name: Anthony
Age (13-17): 14
Musical Instrument (at most two): Drums, ukelele
Looks (don't just put a picture): He has light brown hair which he is constantly dying different colours. It's in a short almost quiff cut. He is 5'3 and too skinny. He is chalky pale, and has silver eyes. A smile almost always rests on his mouth, even when he is mad. Fragile looking. Trying to hide feminism with masculinity. He likes wearing sweaters and either; button ups, or dark coloured See More flannels. He is in love with pastels, beanies, and flower crowns. He loves converse shoes.
Personality (be descriptive, not abstract): a sweetheart full of love and hope. Though, when it comes to mood drops, his mind drops to the very pits of hell. He tries to be hopeful, and optomistic. He lives people, but gets really bad social anxiety when he's around knew humans. When he gets friends, he is very protective and clingy around them. ((Not letting anything hurt them, hates people getting too close... etc.))
Past (give really specific details): As a child Anthony liked to go on adventures, and run away. He didn't realize that he was doing something wrong, he just liked going on adventures. He had a decent childhood, except every now and then when his stepdad would get drunk or high, and beat his mom. Anthony wanted to be a prince, and always tried to make crowns and swords. His sister was born when he was five. When she got older, they'd play together, and run through the woods behind their house. He began getting scared at the smallest noises, and stayed inside. He didn't like loud noises, he'd, hit the ground and scream, while flailing if you scare him.
Disorders (Be creative! Don't just use common disorders): jumping Frenchmen Disorder, the only sounds he doesn't mind is music
Friends: heh, dunno, maybe? He'll try? *coughMaybeandrewCough*
Family: mom and stepdad, a little sister.
on April 11, 2017

Name: Andrew
Age (13-17): 15
Musical Instrument (at most two): Violin
Looks (don't just put a picture): He has short brown hair that cannot be tamed. His skin is pale and slightly freckled, making his blue eyes shine evermore. He has no fashion sense and throws on whatever he grabs first. His wardrobe mostly consists of flannels, baggy sweaters, loose jeans, beanies, and sneakers. He's average height, about 5'6". His body is small and somewhat feminine.
Personality (be descriptive, See More not abstract): he is usually quiet and somewhat drab. Though, he will give his opinion (which is usually sarcastic). He tends to hang around rowdier people, trying to feel more alive.
Past (give really specific details): Andrew was normal growing up, a loud, talkative kid. But his brother contracted a deadly illness. Andrew was young at the time, not understanding what was happening. He began to loose the spark of life. As his brother's condition only grew worse, Andrew only continued to be continued to become more like a walking corpse. His parents fought, blaming each other for their eldest son's soon-to-be death. When Andrew's brother finally passed away, his parents divorced and Andrew completely lost the light behind him.
Disorders (Be creative! Don't just use common disorders): Walking Corpse Syndrome
Friends: He doesn't really have friends, people are wary of him.
Family: His mother and father, who had split apart
Other: Andrew refuses to talk much of his past, especially anything about his sibling.
Age (13-17): 15
Musical Instrument (at most two): Violin
Looks (don't just put a picture): He has short brown hair that cannot be tamed. His skin is pale and slightly freckled, making his blue eyes shine evermore. He has no fashion sense and throws on whatever he grabs first. His wardrobe mostly consists of flannels, baggy sweaters, loose jeans, beanies, and sneakers. He's average height, about 5'6". His body is small and somewhat feminine.
Personality (be descriptive, See More not abstract): he is usually quiet and somewhat drab. Though, he will give his opinion (which is usually sarcastic). He tends to hang around rowdier people, trying to feel more alive.
Past (give really specific details): Andrew was normal growing up, a loud, talkative kid. But his brother contracted a deadly illness. Andrew was young at the time, not understanding what was happening. He began to loose the spark of life. As his brother's condition only grew worse, Andrew only continued to be continued to become more like a walking corpse. His parents fought, blaming each other for their eldest son's soon-to-be death. When Andrew's brother finally passed away, his parents divorced and Andrew completely lost the light behind him.
Disorders (Be creative! Don't just use common disorders): Walking Corpse Syndrome
Friends: He doesn't really have friends, people are wary of him.
Family: His mother and father, who had split apart
Other: Andrew refuses to talk much of his past, especially anything about his sibling.
on April 11, 2017

2((GONNA MAKE MY FOURM LITERALLY ME SO JUST A WARNING-- Ok stretching the disorders & age BUT--))
Name: Victoria Annalise
Age (13-17): 15
Musical Instrument (at most two): Violin & Cello
Looks (don't just put a picture): Brown wavy hair, long face w/ high cheekbones, pale skin, and square glasses (if you need more detail my pictures are on my wall!)
Personality (be descriptive, not abstract): She's really shy, but not due to natural behavior- she has trust issues and won't speak See More much unless she knows you. She can tell alot about you based off one look, but tries to keep it to herself unless she has a reason. Other than that, she'll behave depending how much she trusts you and will bend her personality to others.
Past (give really specific details): After several bullying incidents, moving, and a parent's divorce, she turned to music & writing to relieve her stress. Other than that, it's boring.
Disorders (Be creative! Don't just use common disorders): SIVERE DEPRESSION, suicidal tendancies, ADD, & Asperger's syndrome
Friends: None basically
Family: Mother, stepdad & stepmom, dad, stepsisters Char (18) & Christy (21)
Other: Sociopathic tendancies help
Name: Victoria Annalise
Age (13-17): 15
Musical Instrument (at most two): Violin & Cello
Looks (don't just put a picture): Brown wavy hair, long face w/ high cheekbones, pale skin, and square glasses (if you need more detail my pictures are on my wall!)
Personality (be descriptive, not abstract): She's really shy, but not due to natural behavior- she has trust issues and won't speak See More much unless she knows you. She can tell alot about you based off one look, but tries to keep it to herself unless she has a reason. Other than that, she'll behave depending how much she trusts you and will bend her personality to others.
Past (give really specific details): After several bullying incidents, moving, and a parent's divorce, she turned to music & writing to relieve her stress. Other than that, it's boring.
Disorders (Be creative! Don't just use common disorders): SIVERE DEPRESSION, suicidal tendancies, ADD, & Asperger's syndrome
Friends: None basically
Family: Mother, stepdad & stepmom, dad, stepsisters Char (18) & Christy (21)
Other: Sociopathic tendancies help

Singing doesn't really count as an instrument but you can still have it as a skill in other maybe
on April 11, 2017
on April 11, 2017

Age (13-17):
Musical Instrument (at most two):
Looks (don't just put a picture):
Personality (be descriptive, not abstract):
Past (give really specific details): See More
Disorders (Be creative! Don't just use common disorders):
Age (13-17):
Musical Instrument (at most two):
Looks (don't just put a picture):
Personality (be descriptive, not abstract):
Past (give really specific details): See More
Disorders (Be creative! Don't just use common disorders):
on April 11, 2017

i used to play the piano

i tought myself how to play that betoven[however you spell his name] song. but only half of it
on April 11, 2017
on April 11, 2017