Happy 100 followers :3
@Troll_Neptune its fine :p and you're welcome ^-^
on October 16, 2015

I am really late on this and I mean LATE, but grazie!
on October 16, 2015
Here's chu present &[] :3
on April 15, 2015
on April 15, 2015

Lel- Only four but yo- Better than none.
Fact #1
I have seven other accounts on here and I check each one at least. Tfour of them are likeable and this account is one of them.
Fact #2
Anyone who knows the accounts must know that the Admin of all these accounts is a girl, yes I am a girl and I'm basically bisexual, but more swinging to be a lesbian.. *Awkward cough*
Fact #3
Not many things get my attention but I really love blood.. I'm not lying, gore is a kink and well, that's See More why I RP dark stuff a lot..
Fact #4
I am shying awkward so it's hard for me to speak up first myself, I fear of scaring people away or get on their nerves so normally you have to speak to me first...
Fact #1
I have seven other accounts on here and I check each one at least. Tfour of them are likeable and this account is one of them.
Fact #2
Anyone who knows the accounts must know that the Admin of all these accounts is a girl, yes I am a girl and I'm basically bisexual, but more swinging to be a lesbian.. *Awkward cough*
Fact #3
Not many things get my attention but I really love blood.. I'm not lying, gore is a kink and well, that's See More why I RP dark stuff a lot..
Fact #4
I am shying awkward so it's hard for me to speak up first myself, I fear of scaring people away or get on their nerves so normally you have to speak to me first...
on March 12, 2015

You know what- Admin speaking again.
I feel a bit giddy and you know from the time I post this till the time I shall return, how many ever likes this has I will do a fun/creepy fact about me, whatever I feel you guys need to know about me..
I feel a bit giddy and you know from the time I post this till the time I shall return, how many ever likes this has I will do a fun/creepy fact about me, whatever I feel you guys need to know about me..

on March 11, 2015
on March 11, 2015

*Admin speaking*
You know when you are having a moment and you just want to 'see' your girlfriend but you can't and shiz but you're in that dying mood...
*Sobs, the post sharing thing made the mood*
You know when you are having a moment and you just want to 'see' your girlfriend but you can't and shiz but you're in that dying mood...
*Sobs, the post sharing thing made the mood*
on March 11, 2015

If you kissed me...
[]*pulls away* What..?
[] *kisses back, roughly*
[] *is shocked* Why?!
[] *gently kisses back, while blushing*
[] wouldn't happen
If we were in a dark room alone... See More
[] Cuddle!
[] S e x
[] Make out jk
[] Play games
[] Talk
[]Joke around
[] Try to burst out
[] Hit you (playfully)
If you held my hand...
[] I feel protected with you
[] Lock our fingers
[] Wrap my arm around yours
[] Pull away
[] Look away, blushing
[]Do nothing
If you told me you loved me
[] I love you, too
[]I like you as a friend
[]No you don't
[]*is shocked*
If I saw you shirtless...
[] *bites lip*
[]*quickly closes door* Sorry!
[] *pukes*
[] Shit...*tries to not jump your sexy ass*
[] Wouldn't Care
If we watched a horror movie together..
[] Scream with you
[] Laugh with you
[] Cuddle, cuz "scared"
[]Steal all the popcorn
[] Sit on your lap
You should
[] PM me
[] repost this so i can like it
[] talk to me
Repost if you're brave enough ?
Like and I'll post the reaction to yoûr wall
[]*pulls away* What..?
[] *kisses back, roughly*
[] *is shocked* Why?!
[] *gently kisses back, while blushing*
[] wouldn't happen
If we were in a dark room alone... See More
[] Cuddle!
[] S e x
[] Make out jk
[] Play games
[] Talk
[]Joke around
[] Try to burst out
[] Hit you (playfully)
If you held my hand...
[] I feel protected with you
[] Lock our fingers
[] Wrap my arm around yours
[] Pull away
[] Look away, blushing
[]Do nothing
If you told me you loved me
[] I love you, too
[]I like you as a friend
[]No you don't
[]*is shocked*
If I saw you shirtless...
[] *bites lip*
[]*quickly closes door* Sorry!
[] *pukes*
[] Shit...*tries to not jump your sexy ass*
[] Wouldn't Care
If we watched a horror movie together..
[] Scream with you
[] Laugh with you
[] Cuddle, cuz "scared"
[]Steal all the popcorn
[] Sit on your lap
You should
[] PM me
[] repost this so i can like it
[] talk to me
Repost if you're brave enough ?
Like and I'll post the reaction to yoûr wall
on March 11, 2015

// I wish I had someone who could do a virtual drawing of Neptune... I can't and all I have is paper art.. //
on March 02, 2015

// I need to get a picture of it but I know what I will change my picture on here to.~ //
N- Y0u scar3 m3 s0m3t1m3s... But 0kay!~
N- Y0u scar3 m3 s0m3t1m3s... But 0kay!~
on March 02, 2015

Hetawarts- Ravenclaw East Berlin (Crossover)

on February 10, 2015

on February 09, 2015

Mercury, Earth, Venus, and Jupiter

on February 09, 2015

on February 09, 2015

N- Bwahahahaha!! A vap0r d13t?! H0w stup1d ar3 humans b3c0m1ng?!~ Sm0k3 t0 g3t sw33ts but st1ll d13t, y3a, what3v3r.
on January 14, 2015

// By the way, don't like my art, unfollow me. Simple as 1, 2, 3. Or is America's society really getting so dumb? //

on January 13, 2015
on January 13, 2015

Stfu Logan.

I don't even know who this girl was, I never followed her but yet she started saying ew and even saying my art was weird and sh*t... Should I show my pictures about death instead?
on January 13, 2015
on January 13, 2015

N- 1 f33l l1k3 1'm al13nat3d fr0m my 0wn...
on January 09, 2015