Triggerdahedghog - Page 3

I love to make quizzes, and share art (yes I know my art sucks)
I love to see other peoples art. I am always looking for new Ideas for quizzes to make and stuff to post so feel free See More
I remember these comics from when I was little it brought back good memories.
on February 15
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on February 15
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on February 15
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on February 15
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added a new chapter to My Oc's back story.
Fast forward a few weeks. ( Yet another part of my OC's cousin drama)
Fast forward a few weeks. ( Yet another part of my OC's cousin drama)
Shadow sighed it was Friday again. This meant that tonight he would probably get a text from Dusk saying she needed picked up from Matrix RD she still hadn't told him what she did there but at this point Shadow was just glad she wasn't trying to get home on her own. Sonic was texting him almost daily asking what Dusk needed help with the night he left the party but Shadow didn't want to get Dusk in trouble so he hadn't answered Sonic's Texts.

Shadow decided tonight he was g...
on February 15
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My dad is awesome and for Valentine's he got me and my sisters flowers.
peak dad behavior
on February 15
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on February 15
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on February 15
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added a new chapter to My Oc's back story.
Coldsteel, Dusk, and the band ( this chapter is hella long so no judgment if no one reads it)
Coldsteel, Dusk, and the band ( this chapter is hella long so no judgment if no one reads it)
(beer and weed are in the next few chapter just a warning)
Sonic was hanging at his house trying to have a good time at the party but he struggled to not think about Coldsteel.
Shadow arrived at the party and walked over to Sonic. He could tell something was bothering Sonic so they talked about Coldsteel being out of jail and how Sonic was worried about who Coldsteel would be meeting at the coffee shop and what they might be planning.
Shadow nodded, "Sonic I makes sense you don't...
on February 14
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Triggerdahedghog's Photo 1
on February 14
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I think I might also be the only person who likes Sonic so to be honest I made it bc why not?
on February 14
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My brain wanted to add more to one of my story I honestly don't expect anyone to read it bc I made it just for my own enjoyment.
on February 14
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added a new chapter to My Oc's back story.
DNA test (this isn't bullet points like the other chapters.) (It is really long so no judgement if you don't read it)
DNA test (this isn't bullet points like the other chapters.) (It is really long so no judgement if you don't read it)
It was a pretty tipical fight against Eggman. Shadow, Sonic, Tails, and all the others were fighting a robot Eggman had made.
"Ouch darn that hurt", Sonic said.
"It seems that Eggman finally made a robot you can't penitrate with you supper speed Sonic", Tails called out.
"Hmph this isn't as easy as beating some of Eggmans other robots." Shadow muttered.
Suddenly the robot shut down and fell over,
"What the..." Tails started to say but than he saw it was Dusk she handed Tails a b...
on February 14
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the outfit I wore a few days ago, I luv it
on February 13
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Today is World Radio Day, National Tortellini Day and Get a Different Name Day. I dunno why y'all would want to know this but I think it's interesting
on February 13
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The random guy wearing a hockey mask who chased me.
Okay yet again this story takes place on a school bus. We were at the stop before the one I got of at (which happened to be a trailer park) and I saw a hockey masked person sitting on a bike staring right at the bus. First thing the bus started to move the guy came out from hiding in the shadows and stared to chase the bus. He was really close to the back of the bus but we stared to head up hill and his bike started to wobble as he struggled to keep up with us. Then a few minutes later he ga...
on February 12
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The time me and my friend accidentally stole from subway.
It was a Friday and we went to subway for lunch since school gets out early on Fridays. Anyway we ordered and only I ordered a fountain drink so I gave her a cup and told her to fill it halve way so that and I would do the same. Any way she didn't hear me say that so she filled her cup up all the way. I zoned out while filling my cup with Ice Tea so I filled my cup up all the way too. As we walked out of subway with our food and drinks she said damn you are a really bad influence and so bad ...
on February 11
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The time the emergency door almost opened on the bus
On the way home from school on the bus ride I was sitting on the back of the bus. Any way this kid (we will call him Grass for the story)
said he was really tired and to my suprise stood up and walked behind the back seat and laid down behind it with his head sticking out so that it was in the path between the seats. So on the ride home there is a street of just speed bumps and they are really big. As the bus drove over the first on his entire body left the ground and slammed back into the f...
on February 11
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on February 11
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When the caffeine and sugar wear off I'm screwed but I feel amazing 4 now lol
on February 11
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on February 11
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