TrashCow asked a question

Do You Want to be a Professional Author? Since so many people on this website write sho...
on August 08, 2017

TrashCow added a new chapter to What Happened?

The Chaos that Occurred at School
I walked out the door, preparing myself to see what would happen at school today. As I floated down the road to school, I realized that I should hurry if I didn’t want to miss anything. Then again, maybe I did want to miss something. I’m friends with a lot of people at school, and a lot of people might be crying, and it’ll be a terrible scene if that happens.
Still, though, I was curious. Most people would want to know how their friends, enemies, teachers, and all the other students would ... Read Full Chapter
Still, though, I was curious. Most people would want to know how their friends, enemies, teachers, and all the other students would ... Read Full Chapter
on July 15, 2017

I want to start posting a new chapter to the story "What Happened?" daily, but I know that won't happen since I'm too obsessed with Stardew Valley and Netflix to get anything done...
...I'm still gonna try to do it tho.
I want to start posting a new chapter to the story "What Happened?" daily, but I know that won't happen since I'm too obsessed with Stardew Valley and Netflix to get anything done...
...I'm still gonna try to do it tho.
on July 14, 2017

Updates for anyone who reads my stories:
1. I'm not a very organized person, so I tend to write lots of stories at once rather than just focus on one. At the moment, I'm writing eleven books. Four of those books are already on my account and will be updated as I work on them.
2. Some of my books are expected to take a while to write. For example, "What Happened?" only has three chapters uploaded, and I'm in the process of writing chapter 4, but I expect that there might be somewhere See More around 30 or 40 chapters. Most of my books' chapters only take up about 3-6 pages in Google documents, though, so it shouldn't take a ton of time.
3. The last update is that I have a lot of other books that I'm preparing to post. One that I'm really excited about is called "Sight in Black and White". I doubt that I have any regular readers, but if anyone enjoys reading a lot of my stories, I'm sure you'll enjoy this one!
Thanks to anyone who bothered to read all this! I love writing and I've wanted to be an author since the first grade. Thanks to everyone who has read any of my stories, and thanks to everyone who comments positive feedback! Okay, that's all, have a nice day!
1. I'm not a very organized person, so I tend to write lots of stories at once rather than just focus on one. At the moment, I'm writing eleven books. Four of those books are already on my account and will be updated as I work on them.
2. Some of my books are expected to take a while to write. For example, "What Happened?" only has three chapters uploaded, and I'm in the process of writing chapter 4, but I expect that there might be somewhere See More around 30 or 40 chapters. Most of my books' chapters only take up about 3-6 pages in Google documents, though, so it shouldn't take a ton of time.
3. The last update is that I have a lot of other books that I'm preparing to post. One that I'm really excited about is called "Sight in Black and White". I doubt that I have any regular readers, but if anyone enjoys reading a lot of my stories, I'm sure you'll enjoy this one!
Thanks to anyone who bothered to read all this! I love writing and I've wanted to be an author since the first grade. Thanks to everyone who has read any of my stories, and thanks to everyone who comments positive feedback! Okay, that's all, have a nice day!
on July 10, 2017

TrashCow added a new chapter to What Happened?

Going Home
Jacob sat on his bed once again. I could hear whispering going on in the kitchen. I decided to go out and listen to what they were saying.
“Why was he at the hospital? Did he tell you anything about it?” His mom said softly.
“If he had told me then I wouldn’t have been screaming at him to tell me where he was,” His father replied.
The ten or eleven-year-old girl started talking. “I saw him by a body or corpse or something when he was supposed to be home. It was a girl on the ground. He ... Read Full Chapter
“Why was he at the hospital? Did he tell you anything about it?” His mom said softly.
“If he had told me then I wouldn’t have been screaming at him to tell me where he was,” His father replied.
The ten or eleven-year-old girl started talking. “I saw him by a body or corpse or something when he was supposed to be home. It was a girl on the ground. He ... Read Full Chapter
on July 08, 2017

TrashCow added a new chapter to The Boy Made of Rags

Abbey Farison had a dream about a boy made of rags when she was only six-years-old. Everything about the dream seemed so real, as if it was an event that she actually experienced, rather than just a dream. Even the scenery had looked exactly like her real home, exactly like the surrounding area.
Now, Abbey is fourteen, and she still hasn’t forgotten a single detail of the dream. The only thing that still bothers her is that she never found out the boy’s name. She always remembered him as j... Read Full Chapter
Now, Abbey is fourteen, and she still hasn’t forgotten a single detail of the dream. The only thing that still bothers her is that she never found out the boy’s name. She always remembered him as j... Read Full Chapter
on June 07, 2017

on June 04, 2017

TrashCow added a new chapter to What Happened?
And that brings us to where we are now. I woke up in what looked like a hospital. Jacob, Brooke, and my mom, who was holding Lily in one hand and holding Andrew's hand with the other, were standing over me. My mom was in tears, Lily didn’t seem to know what was going on, Andrew was staring at me, confused, Brooke had tears rolling down her face, and… and Jacob was sitting on the ground, holding my hand, looking completely devastated.
“Jacob? Jacob, what happened?” I managed to say weakly. ... Read Full Chapter
“Jacob? Jacob, what happened?” I managed to say weakly. ... Read Full Chapter
on March 18, 2017