Who remembers that online game called Panfu? Or is it just me?
on May 27, 2016

Avril Lavigne - Rock N Roll
Rock N Roll Buy the album here: http://smarturl.it/avril-lavigne Follow Avril: http://www.avrillavigne.com http://youtube.com/AvrilLavigneVEVO http://twitter...
on May 27, 2016

Thug_Life_As_A_Blonde added a new chapter to Regretting The Chances

Chapter 16 Sick Ash
<<<Ashley's P.O.V.>>>
I woke up, all bleary eyed and stuffed up. I sniffed, and it felt as if I was trying to sniff rocks up my nose. So, apparently I couldn't sniff. Let alone smell. I got out of bed and stood outside of my closet, trying to figure out what to wear. That's when it hit me. I doubled over in the pain that gripped my stomach. I felt like I was going to throw up. Racing out of my room I ran into the bathroom, and out came the unpleasant noise.
Once finished, I decided it'd be... Read Full Chapter
I woke up, all bleary eyed and stuffed up. I sniffed, and it felt as if I was trying to sniff rocks up my nose. So, apparently I couldn't sniff. Let alone smell. I got out of bed and stood outside of my closet, trying to figure out what to wear. That's when it hit me. I doubled over in the pain that gripped my stomach. I felt like I was going to throw up. Racing out of my room I ran into the bathroom, and out came the unpleasant noise.
Once finished, I decided it'd be... Read Full Chapter
on May 26, 2016

Thug_Life_As_A_Blonde added a new chapter to Regretting The Chances

Chapter 15 New Boy?
<<<AJ's P.O.V.>>>
"Logan?" I gasped, and scooted away. I sorta had a crush on him. Well, I did in middle school. Okay, so I kinda still did. Okay, okay, I really really liked him. And he was the bad-boy type! But that wasn't the point! He was showing affection to me! This was new!
"Hey, calm down. Are you okay?" He patted the ground next to him, and I wiggled back over to him.
"Yeah, I'm okay." I shrugged nonchalantly.
"Are you sure?" He slung his arm around me, and I kinda flinched. But I s... Read Full Chapter
"Logan?" I gasped, and scooted away. I sorta had a crush on him. Well, I did in middle school. Okay, so I kinda still did. Okay, okay, I really really liked him. And he was the bad-boy type! But that wasn't the point! He was showing affection to me! This was new!
"Hey, calm down. Are you okay?" He patted the ground next to him, and I wiggled back over to him.
"Yeah, I'm okay." I shrugged nonchalantly.
"Are you sure?" He slung his arm around me, and I kinda flinched. But I s... Read Full Chapter
on May 26, 2016

Thug_Life_As_A_Blonde added a new chapter to Regretting The Chances
Chapter 14 Jobs
<<<Ashley's P.O.V.>>>
I walked into McDonald's. Yes, that was where I was going to work. It paid pretty well, and they'd hire pretty much anybody as long as you did what they told you to. I sat through the job interview, rolling my eyes and tuning out for pretty much the whole thing. They let me know I'd be scrubbing toilets and that type of shit. I rolled my eyes. Yeah right. I'd just have some other chic do it.
Surprisingly, I was hired right away. They announced that they were short on wor... Read Full Chapter
I walked into McDonald's. Yes, that was where I was going to work. It paid pretty well, and they'd hire pretty much anybody as long as you did what they told you to. I sat through the job interview, rolling my eyes and tuning out for pretty much the whole thing. They let me know I'd be scrubbing toilets and that type of shit. I rolled my eyes. Yeah right. I'd just have some other chic do it.
Surprisingly, I was hired right away. They announced that they were short on wor... Read Full Chapter
on May 26, 2016

Thug_Life_As_A_Blonde added a new chapter to Regretting The Chances
Chapter 13 Getting A New Home
<<<Ashley's P.O.V.>>>
I was gathering our stuff up when I heard her voice. It was laced with anger and pain. I turned to see AJ running up to me, breathing quite heavily.
"Ashley! Wh- why? Why did you do this to my... My... Ugh, my ex? I told you, told you not to hurt him! Why did you do it? Huh? Why?" She came to a stop in front of me.
"I... I was only trying to help you! I was... I was only trying to help... And he deserved it!"
"He got kicked in the balls, had a bloody nose, and a black ey... Read Full Chapter
I was gathering our stuff up when I heard her voice. It was laced with anger and pain. I turned to see AJ running up to me, breathing quite heavily.
"Ashley! Wh- why? Why did you do this to my... My... Ugh, my ex? I told you, told you not to hurt him! Why did you do it? Huh? Why?" She came to a stop in front of me.
"I... I was only trying to help you! I was... I was only trying to help... And he deserved it!"
"He got kicked in the balls, had a bloody nose, and a black ey... Read Full Chapter
on May 26, 2016

Thug_Life_As_A_Blonde added a new chapter to Regretting The Chances

Chapter 12 Helping Aidan (Why?)
AJ's P.O.V>>>
So I knock onto Aidan's door, and he doesn't answer. So I freak out. I mean, all I wanted was to ask him if we were still friends or not. Since he wasn't answering I threw open the door and barged in.
There he was, lying on the ground, hand over his nuts. I let out a gasp and knelt beside him. He grunted as I tried to help him up. He pushed me away, still in that pathetic form of a ball.
"What the hell...?" I started to ask. But I already knew the answer. Ashley. It was Ashley. ... Read Full Chapter
So I knock onto Aidan's door, and he doesn't answer. So I freak out. I mean, all I wanted was to ask him if we were still friends or not. Since he wasn't answering I threw open the door and barged in.
There he was, lying on the ground, hand over his nuts. I let out a gasp and knelt beside him. He grunted as I tried to help him up. He pushed me away, still in that pathetic form of a ball.
"What the hell...?" I started to ask. But I already knew the answer. Ashley. It was Ashley. ... Read Full Chapter
on May 26, 2016

5 Seconds of Summer - Amnesia Lyrics
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on May 23, 2016

Pretend You're Xyzzy
Pretend You're Xyzzy A Cards Against Humanity clone. This webapp is still in development. There will be bugs, but hopefully they won't affect gameplay very much. To assist with development, all traffic on this server may be logged. If this is your first time playing, you may wish to read the changelog and list of known issues. Most recent update: 3 May 2015: The game list automatically updates once per minute now, instead of several times per second. You can still click the Refresh Games button in the top left corner at any time. Chat flood protection has been made more strict. Other back-end changes to attempt to get the AWS bill in control. All locally-stored custom card sets have been removed. You must use Cardcast for custom card sets now. The 5th and 6t
on May 21, 2016