The whole thing with fcc just makes my trust in humanity lower like why would you take away people's enjoyment for your own selfish needs? That's just wrong
on December 04, 2017

I am surprised that Comcast even bothered lying about it before the repeal was announced. It has to be their worst kept secret that they hate net neutrality and would love to setup paid prioritization if they could. It's not like they have to worry about losing customers, most people who have Comcast don't have a viable alternative and even if they do their alternative probably isn't much better.
on December 01, 2017

currently, the fcc is planning to repeal net neutrality. this means that certain sites will be blocked or slowed, and you will have to pay money to access your favorite websites.
this affects everyone; students who are homeschooled or learn primarily via the internet will no longer have the education they used to, artists won't be able to make any money through commissions, minorities and people with mental illnesses will lose their biggest source of support- the list goes on. See More
thankfully, this has not been passed yet. there is still time to take action against them, but only until december 14th. so what can you do to help?
there are 5 people deciding on this. 2 of them have voted for net neutrality; the other three have yet to be convinced. contact them!
ajit pai- [email protected] (unlikely to be persuaded, contacting him is a regrettable choice.)
mike o'rielly- [email protected]
brendan carr- [email protected] (please contact him! he is said to be waiting for an argument that will change his mind.)
only one of them has to change their vote in order to save net neutrality! please re post to spread the word.
(credit to @irony)
this affects everyone; students who are homeschooled or learn primarily via the internet will no longer have the education they used to, artists won't be able to make any money through commissions, minorities and people with mental illnesses will lose their biggest source of support- the list goes on. See More
thankfully, this has not been passed yet. there is still time to take action against them, but only until december 14th. so what can you do to help?
there are 5 people deciding on this. 2 of them have voted for net neutrality; the other three have yet to be convinced. contact them!
ajit pai- [email protected] (unlikely to be persuaded, contacting him is a regrettable choice.)
mike o'rielly- [email protected]
brendan carr- [email protected] (please contact him! he is said to be waiting for an argument that will change his mind.)
only one of them has to change their vote in order to save net neutrality! please re post to spread the word.
(credit to @irony)
on December 01, 2017

on December 01, 2017

on November 29, 2017