on December 26, 2014

Check out each box according to what you think! Give it to qfeast friends!
-You are
Pretty [X]
Fun [X] See More
-I can
RP with you [X]
Talk with you [X]
Not trust you
Run away from you
Be your BFF
-If you where falling, I would
Catch you
Let you fall
Kick you down
Help you up [X]
Fall with you
Ask; are you ok?
-If you had the last cookie, I would
Steal it
Punch you
Eat it out of your hand
Let you have it [X]
Beg you for it
Walk away...
-You are
Pretty [X]
Fun [X] See More
-I can
RP with you [X]
Talk with you [X]
Not trust you
Run away from you
Be your BFF
-If you where falling, I would
Catch you
Let you fall
Kick you down
Help you up [X]
Fall with you
Ask; are you ok?
-If you had the last cookie, I would
Steal it
Punch you
Eat it out of your hand
Let you have it [X]
Beg you for it
Walk away...
on October 22, 2014

on October 14, 2014

Oops. I've made someone annoyed with me because I pretended to stab them with Riptide as they ship my NOTP... *cough*itsajoke*cough*

*cough* CALEO IS MY OTP *cough* Rick created the characters, the fandom only reads about them *cough*
on October 14, 2014
on October 14, 2014

So Will and I have another few hours before we almost get killed again *high fives*
on October 14, 2014

*is worried for mine and Will's life*
on October 14, 2014

Its 11pm where I live and I'm just gonna roleplay like all tonight :)
on October 14, 2014

Ooh can I follow you on wattpad?
on October 14, 2014

on October 13, 2014

Apollo sent me to Punishment for saying his hugs are terrible -_-

on October 14, 2014
on October 13, 2014

Special K is like the grossest cereal of all time.
If you read this and are thinking, "What...?" then ignore what I said.
If you read this and are thinking, "I WILL STAB YOU AGAIN IF YOU WANT" then -_-
If you read this and are thinking, "What...?" then ignore what I said.
If you read this and are thinking, "I WILL STAB YOU AGAIN IF YOU WANT" then -_-
on October 13, 2014

I want to punch someone right now. Really, really hard.
on October 12, 2014

Would anyone like to go with me?
on October 12, 2014

Do you ever have a conversation online and it's just so funny you can't stop laughing in real life. I'm having one right now and my gods I keep falling off my chair xD

on October 12, 2014
on October 12, 2014