https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PvPkLG-tvzM Its a good/sad song...

Gary Jules - Mad World Lyrics (Donnie Darko Soundtrack)
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on February 22, 2015

Younger me: I'm going to play a video game! *rages quits later
Present me: I'm sure its not that hard. I was small when I gave up *plays game (hours later) *rage quits
Present me: I'm sure its not that hard. I was small when I gave up *plays game (hours later) *rage quits
on February 01, 2015

what can you catch but never throw?
on February 01, 2015

Sometimes I think no one is paying attention. That no one is listening. That no one cares. That's when I come online, talk to my friends and see the light.
~Luna Starchaser~
/Repost if you want the world to change\
Send to another person who you wanna know more about.
~Luna Starchaser~
/Repost if you want the world to change\
Send to another person who you wanna know more about.
on January 24, 2015

my dog ate my only sharp pencil DX
on January 24, 2015

Im the fly in your soup
Im the pebble in your shoe
Im the pea beneath your bed
Im the bump on every head
(name the song at least)
Im the pebble in your shoe
Im the pea beneath your bed
Im the bump on every head
(name the song at least)
on January 21, 2015

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3ZsG2ZNf5Zg I just cant stop listening/watching this @_@

Purple Guy Can't Decide
The song is "I can't decide" by the scissor sisters I worked on this for about 2 whole days. I'm posting this in the morning because when I'm home I'm going ...
on January 17, 2015

The moment your mom almost finds out that your a fangirl ^_^U Me: hehe no mom its just a game we play that we are different characters (also known as rp)
on January 17, 2015

on January 16, 2015

on January 10, 2015

The moment you have to cram a lot of homework in a day DX
on January 04, 2015