Be proud!
A page for people who feel as if there worthless,sad, and want help from someone, so I can make them feel good about themselves inside and out! ill help with pictures, quotes, life lessons, stories, mostly, anything!
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Im so ugly...
*hugs back* And I saw your profile picture earlier. You do have outer beauty! :)
on July 27, 2015

<3 *Hugggggs" thx <4
on July 26, 2015
No you're not. Outer beauty doesn't matter. You're beautiful on the inside. :D
on July 26, 2015
on July 26, 2015

@jayswaggs If your gonna be rude, or post things on here nobody wants to know about, please dont bother coming to my page. again, stop. Im not trying to be rude, but thi is very serious. O:-)
on January 21, 2015
I was called ugly when I was 10 by some 12 year old girl -_-, that girl called me ugly everyday she saw me ... One day, I got so mad I yelled at her saying that they were so rude, and to leave me alone. She didnt stop though. So I told them go find something else better to do. Because hating gets you no where but hell ... I felt so mean but oh well xD (I'm a b*tch sometimes :P)
on July 27, 2015
on July 26, 2015
on January 19, 2015

on January 18, 2015

Remember looking at models in magazines and saying"I'll never be that pretty"? Well just remember this: those magazines are fake. It doesn't matter if your skinny or not, dark or light, you ARE beautiful. If people tell you otherwise they're wrong. You are beautiful just the way you are, and don't ever try to change yourself, because the real you is perfect.:)
on January 18, 2015

Here is my story. It is not as terrible as Kenzie's but it's directed more towards younger girls: One day when I was 10, my friends and I went home from school and discovered we had been included in a huge group text with about 17 ppl and many of them we didn't know. By the end of the week about 6 of the girls on the chat had gotten in trouble and 1 had gotten grounded. And no one knew who had started the chats! So then 1 of my.. friends I suppose, blamed me for starting the chats! See More She had no reason or right, but she went around telling everyone I had started these chats and I had done it to get everyone in trouble! We still have not resolved this problem, and I just wanted to say never let anyone keep u down! ?
on January 18, 2015

@HackerAttacker Its ok, i never said its bad, but you shouldn't be cheating because that's one thing in life you cant do. :-O
on January 18, 2015

good morning my fellow scouts! i hope you all had a wonderful dream and night! :D
on January 18, 2015

When I was 13, girls and guys used to walk up to me, and saw that's small-Double D kenzie. I didn't have "Big areas" as other guys wanted. Girls used to throw money at me saying I should get a Chest job, and laugh. But one day, I had enough. I took a rope, and tried to...well you know. End it. I was so excited, but when it was happening.... I was scared. I was stupid to think, it depends on other people. So, I too my head out from the rope and laughed at myself. "Woah. One life See More gone, is a life to many." I cried. I took all my razors and threw them away. I also threw all my fears and problems with them. The next day, I went back to school, and won the talent show, from a song I sung. I was never made fun of, pushed, smacked, kicked, But loved and enjoyed. The bullies gave my emotions back, feelings. And I call myself a survivor. I hope this inspired, to live life to the fullest. Because life, is a VERY HARD opportunity to earn...and you only get it once.
~Love Kenzie jeagir. <3
~Love Kenzie jeagir. <3
on January 18, 2015

Since im serious about this, im going to shre my story with everyone, so they can see, and open there eyes.
on January 18, 2015

wait everyone. Put your hand on your chest. Feel that beating...? That's a heart that's still going. A heart that beats faster in bad situations. A heart that pumps the blood that we shed from out wounds. A heart, that never, and should ever, stop beating.
on January 18, 2015

but that wish can be controlled bye you. But if you stay with us, we can help you get over your problems and fears. Because, im, a survivor.
on January 18, 2015

well, ill help you pull your emotion out from behind the wall and let the world see what there missing! :D
on January 18, 2015

Don't be afraid!

I will never be afraid..because I don't show my emotion anymore because it happens all the time
on January 18, 2015
on January 18, 2015

one rule on my page: Don't be afraid to say your problems. Its just inspires someone else how to get through it! :D
on January 18, 2015

I stopped cutting 4 weeks ago. I realized, I was here for a reason, and I may not make a difference to thee world, but to the beings around me. <3
on January 18, 2015