Germany vs. Brazil - This Is What Happened
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on July 10, 2014

Check out my new post at "Writers Corner"

Writers Corner
Are you a writer?! You can review stories, trade ideas, and help others that are on writers block.
on July 10, 2014

Come on everyone! MockingjayDistrict needs 555 followers for her birthday; that's only three more!!
on July 06, 2014

StarMoon asked a question

How Old Do You Have to be to Publish a Book? So, I've written a book. It's over 100,000...
on July 05, 2014

Happy 4th of July!
on July 05, 2014

I need help, guys. Okay, once you've read all this you'll think, "Oh, not another teenage girl with relationship problems," and fine. But I want you to be honest with the answers; imagine you're a Candor member.
So, today, my class and two of the boys in the year below me went out for the day, ice skating. One of those boys I kind of had a crush on. We were both skating for the first time so we skated next to each other while everyone else went off. We were just talking about See More random stuff when the girls in my class called me over, so I wobbled over to them and they knew I had a crush on him and they told me to ask him out. Then everyone was telling me to, right in front of him. So I did, and he was like, "...I'll, er, think about it,". Then we crossed the ice together, holding hands so we wouldn't slip. We kept talking like nothing had happened so I randomly said, "still thinking?". I didn't hear his reply.
The problem: There is one girl in my class who is the thinks-she's-so-pretty/steals-everyone's-crushes/boyfriends type of girl. She went up to him, started flirting and said, "how are you, today?" and things like that. I skated off, but slowly, listening. Suddenly, she said, "go on, say yes!" like she was doing me a favour. I heard him say, "Fine! No!" or something like that. He definitely said no, though. When we went back to school, the other boy in the year below me told everyone in his class that, in front of my favourite teacher. *cough*awkward*cough. She just stared at me and I ran off. I've been telling them it was a dare, and it kind of was. I mean, they were telling me to do it.
It's just really embarrassing and I'll be seeing him on Monday... we were friends before and I don't know what to do...
Please be honest with replying (if any of my 67 followers do -_-) and I don't care how rude and honest you are. I just need to know what to do, because it's embarrassing...
So, today, my class and two of the boys in the year below me went out for the day, ice skating. One of those boys I kind of had a crush on. We were both skating for the first time so we skated next to each other while everyone else went off. We were just talking about See More random stuff when the girls in my class called me over, so I wobbled over to them and they knew I had a crush on him and they told me to ask him out. Then everyone was telling me to, right in front of him. So I did, and he was like, "...I'll, er, think about it,". Then we crossed the ice together, holding hands so we wouldn't slip. We kept talking like nothing had happened so I randomly said, "still thinking?". I didn't hear his reply.
The problem: There is one girl in my class who is the thinks-she's-so-pretty/steals-everyone's-crushes/boyfriends type of girl. She went up to him, started flirting and said, "how are you, today?" and things like that. I skated off, but slowly, listening. Suddenly, she said, "go on, say yes!" like she was doing me a favour. I heard him say, "Fine! No!" or something like that. He definitely said no, though. When we went back to school, the other boy in the year below me told everyone in his class that, in front of my favourite teacher. *cough*awkward*cough. She just stared at me and I ran off. I've been telling them it was a dare, and it kind of was. I mean, they were telling me to do it.
It's just really embarrassing and I'll be seeing him on Monday... we were friends before and I don't know what to do...
Please be honest with replying (if any of my 67 followers do -_-) and I don't care how rude and honest you are. I just need to know what to do, because it's embarrassing...
on July 04, 2014

Happy birthday! I hope you have a great day! :D :D &[] &[] &[]
on July 02, 2014

I updated The Mystery Website.
on June 27, 2014

I'm on a roleplaying Harry Potter website, and you can take the classes. So far I have an:
Outstanding: Herbology
Exceeds Expectations: Transfiguration
Exceeds Expectations: History of Magic :-O
These are the only classes I've done homework for so far :)
Outstanding: Herbology
Exceeds Expectations: Transfiguration
Exceeds Expectations: History of Magic :-O
These are the only classes I've done homework for so far :)
on June 26, 2014

You HAVE to read this, followers!

Occlumency :: A Severus Snape archive
Home | Members | Help | Submission Rules | Log In | Recently Added | Categories | Titles | Completed Fics | Random Fic | Search | Top Fictions SS-Centric Snapes Start of Term Speech by morgaine_dulac [Reviews - 9] Would you like to submit a review? Snapes Start of Term Speech You are here to learn the subtle science and exact art of potion-making. Best to tell them. There are always some nitwits who have no idea that potions are actually made in cauldrons. Their Mummy has always bought them in fancy glass bottles. Who knew that they dont just magically appear in there? Who knew that someone has to brew them? Now, that will come as a shock for some. As there is little foolish wand-waving here, many of you will hardly believe this is magic. McGonagall told
on June 26, 2014