Spritebubble added a new chapter to Victini : a pokelove story
Victini continued to stare up at the shimmering surface, until a skinny silhouette appeared, growing closer and closer creating a giant shadow on the ocean floor. Pokémon scattered, flurrying into crags and cowering under rocks. Victini turned to go back inside his little shell home but suddenly he felt hands on his stomach, pulling him back and closer to the shape.
He closed his eyes, fearing the worst, however nothing happened. No bangs, crunches, no teeth sinking into his flesh, ... Read Full Chapter
He closed his eyes, fearing the worst, however nothing happened. No bangs, crunches, no teeth sinking into his flesh, ... Read Full Chapter
on December 13, 2013

on November 23, 2013

Spritebubble added a new chapter to Victini : a pokelove story
A New Beginning
Victini opened his eyes. The world around him meandered along enjoying their surroundings. A Wailord slowly swam alongside a group of Wailmer looking after them and protecting from attack. Pairs of Frillish were talking to each other, smiling, laughing. Shellos slid along the ocean floor in small groups, sticking close together. Massive groups of Finneon swam close to the surface.
How Victini wanted friends like these, who would stick close by him. How he wanted a group to protect him an... Read Full Chapter
How Victini wanted friends like these, who would stick close by him. How he wanted a group to protect him an... Read Full Chapter
on November 23, 2013

OMG!!!!!this was sooooo hard!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
on November 02, 2013

on November 01, 2013