Cockerdile added a new chapter to Falling for him (A Cilan love story)
I am sorry for this monstrosity
Read Full Chapter
on August 11, 2016

This is my birthstone fairy! Lol I was actually born in june
on November 01, 2013

Cockerdile added a new chapter to Falling for him (A Cilan love story)

Ash & Iris
Chilli's P.O.V.
"Hey, Mr security guard sir? Can you please make sure no one comes in 'coz we're having a reunion here..........Thanks!"
Ash's P.O.V.
"Come onnnnnn, Irisssssss!" I whined for at least the sixth time, "I want to get to the gyyyyymmmmm!"
"Okay, okay! We can go..." Iris answered.
"Yay!" I squealed. Iris sighed and followed me out of the Pokemon center. In no time at all, we were at the gym, however, there was a security guard blocking the entrance.
"I'm sorry but you ca... Read Full Chapter
"Hey, Mr security guard sir? Can you please make sure no one comes in 'coz we're having a reunion here..........Thanks!"
Ash's P.O.V.
"Come onnnnnn, Irisssssss!" I whined for at least the sixth time, "I want to get to the gyyyyymmmmm!"
"Okay, okay! We can go..." Iris answered.
"Yay!" I squealed. Iris sighed and followed me out of the Pokemon center. In no time at all, we were at the gym, however, there was a security guard blocking the entrance.
"I'm sorry but you ca... Read Full Chapter
on November 01, 2013

Cockerdile asked a question

What is the weirdest thing that you know of? This includes youtube videos, dreams, expe...
on October 31, 2013

I'm quite new here but I love: Pokemon, Minecraft, Youtube and Adventure Time.I also like TRAINS.
on October 30, 2013

Cockerdile added a new chapter to Falling for him (A Cilan love story)

The Reunion
Your P.O.V
It was 8:30am and I was walking, wait no, running along route two towards Straiton City. I had heard that Cilan, Chili and Cress had become gym leaders there. I couldn't wait to see them, I hadn't seen them in about 5..no 6 years! I was almost at Straiton City when I heard a boy screaming. Immediately, I turned around and saw my friend, Iris, scaring a boy with spiky black hair and a pikachu.
"Typical Iris..." I laughed. Wait, have I mentioned that I ALWAYS have my Ampharos out a... Read Full Chapter
It was 8:30am and I was walking, wait no, running along route two towards Straiton City. I had heard that Cilan, Chili and Cress had become gym leaders there. I couldn't wait to see them, I hadn't seen them in about 5..no 6 years! I was almost at Straiton City when I heard a boy screaming. Immediately, I turned around and saw my friend, Iris, scaring a boy with spiky black hair and a pikachu.
"Typical Iris..." I laughed. Wait, have I mentioned that I ALWAYS have my Ampharos out a... Read Full Chapter
on October 30, 2013

created a

Which Minecraft Youtuber are you most like?
on October 30, 2013