SoulessSorrow - Page 5

I enjoy disturbing things, so they will get posted. You have been warned.
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It was like this when I first sharpened it... O.O
SoulessSorrow's Photo 0
on November 05, 2020
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Look what personality I've got! What about you?
You love the sense of control which is what you get when you control whether they live or not. You are cold blooded! Your heart Is full of ice!
on November 05, 2020
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See y'all later!
See you later m8
on November 03, 2020
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later skater
on November 03, 2020
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on November 03, 2020
About Author
Look what personality I've got! What about you?
You are a warewolf
Welcome to the wolf family
on November 03, 2020
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Are you like me and spark hope in those who need it?
Are you like me and spark hope in those who need it?
So, I see a lot of villans as misunderstood, or lonely. I want to give them the love they deserve. Let's see if you agree.
on November 03, 2020
About Author
Look what personality I've got! What about you? Fixed the quiz up a bit. What will you get?
You bring the light into other's lives. With your help, people can be happy again.
on November 03, 2020
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Look what personality I've got! What about you?
you are from hell and wouldent have it any other way u hate everyone and they hate you
on November 03, 2020
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Look what personality I've got! What about you?
dark angel~
dark angel~
hi there :3 You've fallen under dark angel. you rely on the negative aspects in life for comfort, often wishing bad things would happen, however not necessarily because you want trouble. you prefer the dark night over the daylight, and prefer the cold over warm weather. you sometimes honestly try to behave but end up getting into or causing trouble in the end. people tend to maybe draw away from you because you are different, but are attracted to you as well for that exact reason. lastly, you easily slip through the shadows unnoticed..
on November 03, 2020
About Author
Look what personality I've got! What about you?
you love the sea, and everything in it! you love to swimming, and you can hold your breath for a really long time!
on November 03, 2020
About Author
Look what personality I've got! What about you?
You heart is as pure as the ocean. You enjoy swimming through the water and making friends with all the fish in the sea. Although you enjoy your life under water, you wonder what like is like on the surface. You are free with the world and care for others. Just watch out for the fishermen trying to discover you.
on November 03, 2020
About Author
Look what personality I've got! What about you?
Burn bright like the candle. You control fire. Fire can be beautiful but yet dangerous. If you do not control it, then you might hurt the people around you. You are spunky and independent. The fire element may leave you to a life of solitude, but that will not stop you from conquering your dreams. You stay true to your self, and shine bright. Remember fire only stays awake if it stays fueled. Gaining friends will keep you from losing control.
on November 03, 2020
About Author
Look what personality I've got! What about you?
Purple Eyes
Purple Eyes
You are tend to be a follower. You are known to be shy, but once people know you, you are a outgoing person. You are very shy and tend to be reading books by a fire place. You don't really care too much for sports and rarely hang with friends. You have serious trust issues and fall in love very quickly. You are very creative and love being alone drawing beautiful pictures that bring people to amazement. You are very stubborn and tend to finish what you started no matter what other people think.
on November 03, 2020
About Author
Look what personality I've got! What about you?
Rebecca Fitzgerald
Rebecca Fitzgerald
Born into a poor and judgemental society, Rebecca dreamed of becoming an actress in front of thousands of people. Her parents would tell her her dreams were too far to reach, but Rebecca was not going to give up. The stage called for her presence. When her chance came around, the girls auditions were first. After a few auditions, the judges already had all the roles for the girls. Rebecca was not going to give up. Wearing her brother's clothes and cutting her hair, Rebecca auditioned for a boy's part. Getting the lead role, the only problem with the role was Rebecca having to kiss another girl. She only knew being gay was wrong, but kissing the girl made her feel happy. After the play, Rebecca told the girl the truth. Shocked, the girl felt hurt but oddly accepted it. They were known as the power acting couple deceiving everyone of Rebecca's true identity. Rebecca could not hide her feminine aspects. The media found out and ruined her life. Trying to keep her acting role, Rebecca's love lied bout knowing about Rebecca being a woman and left her. Rebecca then hung herself over the depression and lose.

Rebecca was bold, determined, adventurous, outgoing, creative, and so many more that lead to the lose of her life. Her life could issue troublesome problems or decisions you go through as well as having problems with trusting your heart to others.
on November 03, 2020
About Author
Look what personality I've got! What about you?
Fallen Angel
Fallen Angel
You are a Fallen Angel! You were cursed by a powerful demon over old decisions you made in the past. You are unwanted in Heaven and uncared about in Hell. You are a different kind of special that everyone fears but secretly wants. You only trust the friends like you since every one else abandoned you and doesn't want you in their lives. You are very secretive and keep your emotions bottled up until everything just explodes.
on November 03, 2020
About Author
Look what personality I've got! What about you?
You are a great mix between powerful and calm. You know when to use your leadership abilities or when to shut up and act respectably. You can be timid and shy when around people you do not know. You listen to people when they need someone to talk to. You are very sensitive and known to let out a few tears once and a while.
on November 03, 2020
About Author
Look what personality I've got! What about you?
The ocean calls your name and beckons you to stay in its arms. A siren may have a beautiful voice and be the most beautiful in all the land, but there is darkness hidden inside of you. Fish are not the only food you desire, so now you are more interested in elves, or anything that can hear your sweet luring music in a distance. Remember sometimes creatures like the taste of sirens rather than fish, but other than that you are very stealthy and can escape any trap.
on November 03, 2020
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SoulessSorrow's Photo 0
on November 03, 2020
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SoulessSorrow's Photo 2
on November 03, 2020
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Bai everyone!
on November 02, 2020
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SoulessSorrow's Photo 1
on November 02, 2020
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