If ur insane come here
If ur insane come here. Join ur fellow insane ppl. Come home I command thee
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35 photos per week limit. 10MB max/item

on November 08, 2020

Imma cry soon
on November 04, 2020

on November 04, 2020

how does this have 10 subscribers

on November 04, 2020

@Lil_Blossom i just think everyone under the age of 13 should get off the internet
on November 04, 2020
on November 04, 2020

bruh go see a therapist
on November 04, 2020
um, does anione listen to hanatarash,,? theyre a little crazy lol
on November 03, 2020

i just watched a really creepy anime .,... im so evil guys i enjoyed it IM EVIL . INSANE 100 % / s
on November 03, 2020

R u a good kind of insane?
R u a good kind of insane?

Are you like me and spark hope in those who need it?
So, I see a lot of villans as misunderstood, or lonely. I want to give them the love they deserve. Let's see if you agree.
on November 03, 2020

Has anyone ever got the urge to push someone into a pool while their leaning over it even tho they can’t swim
on November 03, 2020

How did i not find this sooner...I finally found some insane peeps.
on November 02, 2020

on November 02, 2020

finally a group of people who r as insane as me
on November 02, 2020