Are you like me and spark hope in those who need it?

Are you like me and spark hope in those who need it?

So, I see a lot of villans as misunderstood, or lonely. I want to give them the love they deserve. Let's see if you agree.

published on November 02, 2020

He is not in control. His programming overrides his free will. He hates what he does to others. You find him in his creator's scrapyard. What do you do?

Melt him into scrap.
Melt him into scrap.
Leave him.
Leave him.
Take him home to fix him and free him from his programming.
Take him home to fix him and free him from his programming.

Everyone sees him as a monster. They either try to kill him, annoy him, or run screaming. He is hated and feared and is all alone. You find him trapped and wounded. What do you do?

Everyone sees him as a monster. They either try to kill him, annoy him, or run screaming. He is hated and feared and is all alone. You find him trapped and wounded. What do you do?
Kill him.
Kill him.
Ignore him
Ignore him
Help him. Free him, and take him home until he's healed.
Help him. Free him, and take him home until he's healed.

He's posessed, and hated for it. He was never in control. He wants to be free. You find him broken and abandoned on the street. What do you do?

He's posessed, and hated for it. He was never in control. He wants to be free. You find him broken and abandoned on the street. What do you do?
Set him on fire and run away, telling him that he deserves it
Set him on fire and run away, telling him that he deserves it
Leave him there to rot
Leave him there to rot
Set him free and take him home for repairs.
Set him free and take him home for repairs.

If I told you that I was depressed, what would you say?

Deal with it, bitch.
Same, dude, same.
How can I help?

Are you kind to others?

Only if they're important.
If I know them well
Always, unless we both know I'm just playing.

He is lonely. Everyone who cared about him is dead. He has been bullied his whole life. He was just betrayed. You see him alone, crying on the street What do you do?

He is lonely. Everyone who cared about him is dead. He has been bullied his whole life. He was just betrayed. You see him alone, crying on the street What do you do?
Kick him while he's down.
Kick him while he's down.
Walk Past
Walk Past
Go over, hug him, bring him home
Go over, hug him, bring him home

Do you care about others

Only if it helps me
If I feel like it

He's been betrayed, abandoned and tortured. You find him in an empty room, crying. When he sees you, he backs away. What do you do?

He's been betrayed, abandoned and tortured. You find him in an empty room, crying. When he sees you, he backs away. What do you do?
Hurt him.
Hurt him.
Flip him off and walk away.
Flip him off and walk away.
Slowly approach and comfort him.
Slowly approach and comfort him.