SmolRaccoons added a photo to the starred list
on April 29, 2017
on April 29, 2017
SmolRaccoons uploaded a photo
on April 29, 2017
SmolRaccoons uploaded a photo
on April 29, 2017
Alaska Thunderfuck - Your Makeup Is Terrible [Official]
Alaska Thunderfuck - Your Makeup Is Terrible [Official Music Video] Director: Saša Numić Producer: Brett Myer Cinematograp...
on April 28, 2017
Me: *doesn't get noticed by guys or girls #Forever Alone*
~Finally I get a boyfriend~
Me: *Has three guys that have a crush on me*
~Finally I get a boyfriend~
Me: *Has three guys that have a crush on me*
on April 28, 2017
on April 28, 2017
Hahaha this is fine, I'm the only person that showed up in my Rhetoric group today and our essay outline is due
on April 28, 2017
SmolRaccoons added a photo to the starred list
on April 28, 2017
SmolRaccoons uploaded a photo
on April 28, 2017
Yesterday when I got home my music was all the way up and I was singing at the top of my lungs. Now I'm bout to pass out from being tired. WHAT CHANGED!?
on April 28, 2017
I have a Spanish test today
My group in Rhetoric hasn't even started on our project and the teacher's checking today
I didn't finish my Science homework which was three pages long and it was about the periodic table
In PE today we're doing softball and I'm going to get cussed at or cuss at someone
And finally in math I have a test over shit I don't know
My group in Rhetoric hasn't even started on our project and the teacher's checking today
I didn't finish my Science homework which was three pages long and it was about the periodic table
In PE today we're doing softball and I'm going to get cussed at or cuss at someone
And finally in math I have a test over shit I don't know
on April 28, 2017
Tainted Love Soft Cell Lyrics
Tainted Love Soft Cell Lyrics. A great song by Soft Cell. Hope you enjoy singing to the music!
on April 27, 2017
I am trash
on April 27, 2017
MAybe that but not in real life u are awesome and so kind and u are 1 of my best friends ever and i mean that * hugs u
on April 27, 2017
on April 27, 2017
on April 27, 2017
on April 27, 2017
Gosh, I was scrolling through the Ciel and Alois page, and so many happy memories were there
on April 27, 2017
SmolRaccoons uploaded a photo
on April 27, 2017
There's this couple at my bus stop and they're always eating each other's faces off
on April 27, 2017
on April 27, 2017
on April 27, 2017
on April 27, 2017
You're so beautiful, I like your personality