
Look what personality I've got! What about you?
Amy Pond
Amy Pond
You are always willing to have a go and your a big Scottish daredevil and you always a good companian but sometimes it seems like you cant decide. Rory or the Doctor?
on December 06, 2013
About Author
on December 04, 2013
About Author
Look what personality I've got! What about you?
Finnian, often called Finny, is a gardener. However, it seems every time he tends to the garden, it is destroyed through an accident caused by his clumsiness. He is portrayed as an innocent, Shota-like character who loves his work, but is dubbed an idiot by Sebastian. Finnian displays feats of superhuman strength, such as dragging and throwing Pluto around, which he tries to suppress for fear of hurting others and risk of sabotaging his work.
on December 04, 2013
About Author
on December 04, 2013
About Author
Weeping Angel
Weeping Angel
Congratulations! You are a Weeping Angel. Make sure not to get quantum-locked!
on December 04, 2013
About Author
Yes I am. Thanks.
You are The Doctor
You are sometimes a bit mad but you are intelligent and are always true to your friends. You like to travel and are never in the same place for too long.
on December 04, 2013
About Author
Awww I love that man!
Lovers Forever
Lovers Forever
You and the Doctor spend the rest of your lives together- in one of your adventures, you accidentally step into a machine which turns you into a Time Lord, so you can regenerate. You and the Doctor always find this really funny, because you always look different and have different voices and personalities. You help to protect the universe forever. You have 2 children, a boy and a girl, called Laora and Isaac.
on December 04, 2013
About Author
YAY! Wait... I have the Universe to save.. Allons-y!
The Doctor
You must be pretty awesome, just saying. Anyway, you are the Doctor. Yay for you.
on December 03, 2013
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on December 03, 2013
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