Hey! Anyone home!? No!? Ok!
*does victory dance* no ones ho-ome noi ones ho-ome!
TC: ... We're home you know ...
._. Oh...........
*does victory dance* no ones ho-ome noi ones ho-ome!
TC: ... We're home you know ...
._. Oh...........
on March 30, 2015

on March 30, 2015

ShadowPrize subscribed to page
Ask Murdershy, Lil Miss Rarity, Pinkamena Diana Pie, Paranoid Twighlight, Rainbow Facto...
on March 30, 2015

Rainbow Factory Dash, how's your life?

RFD: it's okay, even when I kill ponies. It goes to a good cause. We don't kill unicorns though, makes the rainbow glittery.
on March 31, 2015
on March 30, 2015

(This is something my mom did when she was little)
My mom was like I think 3 or 4.
She was hiding in the clothes racks and her mom walked off thinking she was still behind her and my mom started crying and started talking to a mannequin ask cried when it woukdent talk to her. Later on her mother came back and she asked my mom. What she was doing and my she said "The lady over there is not talking to me mommy! What's wrong with her!?" A few years later she found it it was a mannequin.
My mom was like I think 3 or 4.
She was hiding in the clothes racks and her mom walked off thinking she was still behind her and my mom started crying and started talking to a mannequin ask cried when it woukdent talk to her. Later on her mother came back and she asked my mom. What she was doing and my she said "The lady over there is not talking to me mommy! What's wrong with her!?" A few years later she found it it was a mannequin.
on March 30, 2015

When I was in 1st Grade I stole 3-4 books from the class room. Imma book thief!
on March 30, 2015

That awkward moment when your best friends sees your underwear... True story.
on March 30, 2015

I have a question.
What's Black Butler about?
What's Black Butler about?

on March 30, 2015

0_0 I've read fanfics but that's it. I didn't know what it really fully was about. I've never watched anime
0_0 I've read fanfics but that's it. I didn't know what it really fully was about. I've never watched anime
on March 30, 2015
on March 30, 2015

Hello~! I'm back from my moms surgery. :(( it was so long!! I hate hotels...
on March 30, 2015

TF is annoying me... I may look sorta like him but that means nothing! Jeez! -///-
on March 21, 2015

I'm the only one up! Freddy, Chica, Foxy, Bonnie, Goldie, TB, TF, TC, BB, Marionette, and Mangle are asleep

on March 21, 2015

Me : *smiles softly starts purring and tail starts wagging*
Sarah : there so cute!
Sarah : there so cute!
on March 21, 2015
on March 21, 2015

I'm going to be gone for 5-7 day starting tomorrow morning. So I won't be on Qfeast until I get home
on March 21, 2015