Ask Murdershy, Lil Miss Rarity, Pinkamena Diana Pie, Paranoid Twighlight, Rainbow Factory Dash, and Dishonest Applejack
All in the insanely long title. Need more words, so... Hbohihboygbouuhhbo
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It looks like you guys might be bored here since it's been a while being asked or dared-
Shadows: I dare them to do the ice bucket challenge- *gets knocked out from a book from me, Ash.*
Shade: I am NOT cute, I'm scary! 3:< *gets cuddled from Murdershy.*
Shadows: I dare them to do the ice bucket challenge- *gets knocked out from a book from me, Ash.*
Shade: I am NOT cute, I'm scary! 3:< *gets cuddled from Murdershy.*

Murdershy: your adorably scary~*smiles and puts muzzle into your neck*
LMR:*pokes Shadows with a hoof*
(Sorry for not replying, I didn't see it)
LMR:*pokes Shadows with a hoof*
(Sorry for not replying, I didn't see it)
on February 12, 2016
on January 12, 2016

Rainbow Factory Dash: hey, guys! I'm with Scootaloo here! Any questions for us or the others, please ask!
Scootaloo: or dares!
Scootaloo: or dares!
on July 28, 2015

All: any questions?

Midnight : I understand Why You'd think that But To let you Know I'll NEVER ever hurt you ur my friend I never hurt friends
on April 29, 2015

on April 29, 2015

Midnight : I never meant to scare you just to let you know and I love To kill It fun....
on April 29, 2015
on April 29, 2015

Rainbow Factory Dash, how's your life?

RFD: it's okay, even when I kill ponies. It goes to a good cause. We don't kill unicorns though, makes the rainbow glittery.
on March 31, 2015
on March 30, 2015

Lil' Miss Rarity, what happened? Tell me what happened.

LMR: well, it was raining one night, and Opal was acting simply awful. She scratched me on the neck mouth, eyes, ear, and nose. I threw her against the wall, and the impact killed her. The something clicked...bleeding from my open wounds...I simply enjoyed it...hearing the snap of Opal's little spine...I enjoyed it...that is what happened.
on March 27, 2015
on March 27, 2015

Hhhiiiiiiiii! Paranoid Twilight, Is there anything to calm your nerves? Sented candles, A cup of hot tea, a herbal bath maybe, anything?
on March 27, 2015

Pinkamena! How do rainbows taste NOW RD added ponies to the mix?

on March 27, 2015

Pinkamena: I meant, you wont kill someone who won't kill you. I wanted to go to a party with you.
on March 27, 2015
on March 27, 2015

on March 27, 2015