Random Childhood Stories
Welcome to the Random Childhood Stories page! If you have a random and stupid childhood story, you can share it here and everyone can laugh in your pity.
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When I was little (3-5) I asked my mom "Is the Earth flat?" And she said, "No sweety." I tried walking forever to see if I could find the edge of the world, but I got tired less than block later. So I tried flying into outer space so I could look down and see if it was flat or not. So I stood on a rickety wooden chair in our backyard porch (made out of concrete) and jumped into the air. And I fell. REALLY hard. So hard, I cracked my head open. I still have a scar, that's why I See More got bangs XD
on February 01, 2024

One day when I was watching Pokemon my lil sis came in the room she said "Ooh, Pokiman!" (that's how she pronounced it) And the next morning she was on the couch watching pokemon and because of me she really likes it now and watches it everyday :D
on February 01, 2024

(This is something my mom did when she was little)
My mom was like I think 3 or 4.
She was hiding in the clothes racks and her mom walked off thinking she was still behind her and my mom started crying and started talking to a mannequin ask cried when it woukdent talk to her. Later on her mother came back and she asked my mom. What she was doing and my she said "The lady over there is not talking to me mommy! What's wrong with her!?" A few years later she found it it was a mannequin.
My mom was like I think 3 or 4.
She was hiding in the clothes racks and her mom walked off thinking she was still behind her and my mom started crying and started talking to a mannequin ask cried when it woukdent talk to her. Later on her mother came back and she asked my mom. What she was doing and my she said "The lady over there is not talking to me mommy! What's wrong with her!?" A few years later she found it it was a mannequin.
on March 30, 2015

When I was in 1st Grade I stole 3-4 books from the class room. Imma book thief!
on March 30, 2015

When I turned 9 my dad got me a cake with a blue bow on it. It looked like candy so me and my friend tried it....
Turns out it wasn't candy... Our tongues were blue for like 4 hours.
Turns out it wasn't candy... Our tongues were blue for like 4 hours.
on March 20, 2015
Another story~
When I was 3, I didn't know how to use make up, or even know what it was! So, one day I saw my mom's make up lying around and grabbed it. Then, I started putting the lipstick all over my lips and the eye shadow all over my face. I looked like a clown! xD
When I was 3, I didn't know how to use make up, or even know what it was! So, one day I saw my mom's make up lying around and grabbed it. Then, I started putting the lipstick all over my lips and the eye shadow all over my face. I looked like a clown! xD
on March 20, 2015
on March 20, 2015
When I was 2, I was eating black beans and then out of no where ... I poured it on my head. Then my mom came in with a shock look on her face and my dad ran to get a camera and take a pic xD
on March 20, 2015
on March 20, 2015
When I was in 2nd grade, I pretended I was a peacock
In 3rd grade, I pretended I had magical powers and could levitate rocks kind of like Matilda in the movie.
When I was in kindergarten, my sister owned a horse named Snowflake, and I kind of thought I was old enough to groom him...
Let's just say Snowflake's coat isn't white anymore
In 3rd grade, I pretended I had magical powers and could levitate rocks kind of like Matilda in the movie.
When I was in kindergarten, my sister owned a horse named Snowflake, and I kind of thought I was old enough to groom him...
Let's just say Snowflake's coat isn't white anymore
on March 20, 2015
on March 20, 2015

(I used to take ballet many, many, many, MANY years ago.)
When I got bored in ballet lessons, I would start barking. :T
When I got bored in ballet lessons, I would start barking. :T
on March 19, 2015

When I was young *like bout 2 or 3* I was once left ALONE in a room with a razor..............and I ended up giving myself a mullet *aka I cut half my hair off* X3 I WAS SO YOUNG I DIDNT KNOW BETTER!!!!!!!
on March 20, 2015
on March 19, 2015

Once I was playing my favorite game "See if You Can Pick Your Friends up" When someone tried to pick me up, they couldn't and dropped me on my head. Then I woke up about 3 hours later after school in the clinic office, the kid who dropped me screaming and throwing a fit. He then ran away in anger and the teachers ran after him...
What the fu...
What the fu...
on March 19, 2015

on March 19, 2015

I used to pretend I was a squirtle, and I would gargle water and spit it out on people.
I was a weird kinder-gardener... no wonder I didn't have any friends...
I was a weird kinder-gardener... no wonder I didn't have any friends...
on March 19, 2015
on March 19, 2015

Once my brother thought it was a good idea to put a firework on the grill. Long story short it exploded in a fiery death.... many toy army men died that day...
on March 20, 2015
on March 19, 2015
on March 19, 2015
on March 19, 2015

I was holding my dad's hand and we were coming out in the crowd somehow we got separated and so I grabbed done other random dudes hand.... It freaked me out but my dad "saved the day"!
on February 18, 2015

When I was 6 I would watch dbz kai everyday for 3 years I had a MASSIVE crush on vageta >///<

on February 18, 2015

on February 18, 2015

Lawliet. Though he's 17, and I'm 13, and Near is 13 and I'm 13...oh well, too bad, I still choose L.
on February 18, 2015
on February 18, 2015

Once I saw milk and out of no where just poured it all pver my head, and ran around yelling "MILK MONSTER MILK MONSTER ROARRRR!" XDXDXDXD
on February 18, 2015

Once I went to dinner with my bff ( @JasmineTheFox ) and a RANDOM GUY....IN HIS CAR....kept staring at us and every time we looked at him he looked away..... :-O

I always imagined he was blasting pedobears theme song in his car at a loud volume while he was staring at us like "IIIII LOVE LITTLE GIRLS THEY MSKE ME FEEL SO GOOD! I LOVE, LITTLE GIRLS THEY MAKE ME FEEL SO BAD! WHEN THEY'RE AROUND THEY MAKE ME FEEL LIEK IM THE ONLY GUY IN TOWN!"
on February 18, 2015
on February 18, 2015

When I was real little my mom took me to the fair (this was before my brother was born) and there was a old man sitting down and he held his hand out and I shook his hand and my mom was like "NOPE." And grabbed me and ran away then the next day I got extremely sick...so basically the point of the story was...don't trust old men on the dark side of a carnival and don't mess with parents but still back then I was like "what a coincidence and also my belly hurts ;A;" but today I'm See More like "....THAT BITCH GAVE ME THE FLU!"
on February 17, 2015