New Entry was added to Marble Hornets Youtube Channel. Just wanted to say. :)
entry #73: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Jg22PqvreI
entry #73: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3Jg22PqvreI

on July 14, 2013

on July 13, 2013

Hi Erin I'm back from vacation!!!

I probably can't call you today, but when your back on qfeast when i am i will talk to you, but you can call me tomarrow, or i'll call you
on July 11, 2013
on July 11, 2013

Hey sophia, can you call me when you are home from your trip? Thanks!:D

I'm not exactly sure I thought my parents said we would get back tommarrow after noon but I wouldn't be able to talk to you the day after. I'll call you once I have a chance thought, I also sent out post cards, but anyway the day after tommarrow
on July 09, 2013
on July 09, 2013

Hi, you probably dont know me but, I think owl is getting a little mean like you said. I have a feeling something bad is going to happen to someone because someone in my class did the something like that but worse, braved about herself al the time and she always yelled me I wouldn't get anywhere in life because I'm the only girl who doesn't get advanced, most people didn't really like her after that, so I wanted to say that, also, do you like rozen maiden?

on July 07, 2013

Owl were not saying you hate shugo chara -.- we were just asking if we liked shugo chara
on July 07, 2013

I'm not saying your a hater and i also like you, your awesome I'm just saying I agree with her, and also, I do like shugo chara a lot
on July 07, 2013
on July 06, 2013

Hey people!
on July 02, 2013

Hi Liana! I'm in kentucky right now, and tomorrow were going to Washington d.c. I just wanted to say hi!
on July 02, 2013

Hey! I'm in Kentucky right now and tomorrow I'm heading to Washington d.c. I just wanted to say hi and take my quiz!:)

We watched the fireworks, my aunt has a private beach in her backyard so were on the beach watching them
on July 06, 2013

Awesome! At my grandparent's house, we bought a million fireworks and set them all off! It was fun! Except for when one caught on fire and my uncle had to step on it to put it out!
on July 06, 2013

I'm still in washinton d.c but my mom hooked me up to the Internet I'm watching fireworks right now!
on July 06, 2013
on July 02, 2013