Tell me when you're on so we can go to the Werewolf and Vampire RP.

I'm in the US
on July 31, 2014

Really? I'm in the UK, I've been up for hours!
on July 31, 2014

Yup I'm on now I just woke up
on July 31, 2014

You wanna RP?
on July 31, 2014
on July 31, 2014

on July 30, 2014

on July 30, 2014

the next contest is "most awkward moments on real life!!" on http://www.qfeast.com/page/V2LLnC/new-contests

new contests!!
this page for new contents, like art and everything,the members will judge.
on July 30, 2014

Name: Cathlyn
Looks: ill post a picture
Power: ability to manipulate/control the elements ( air water earth and fire)
Likes: music and learning about various stuff
Dislikes: jerks and bullies
Looks: ill post a picture
Power: ability to manipulate/control the elements ( air water earth and fire)
Likes: music and learning about various stuff
Dislikes: jerks and bullies
on July 30, 2014

Anybody wanna roleplay

ok.1 thing to say!! i want to publish the "best drawing" results now.do u want to came on the members chat room for few minutes ?
on July 30, 2014
on July 30, 2014

Have to go for tuitions so see ya later
on July 30, 2014

You got 200 followers YAY! YAY! YAY! &[]:D&[]:D&[]:D&[]:D&[]:D
on July 30, 2014

Cathline: *playing the song she composed in the park*

Andy: Eh, worth a shot. If you ever change your mind. *Looks at watch and cringes* Gotta run. Literally. Nice meeting you! *Starts to trot off*
on July 30, 2014

Andy: Sorry, I'm sweaty. You've got talent, Miss Cat, you really do. Hold on. *Digs in his shorts pocket and reaches into his wallet for a business card* I work for a music studio, not in a very high position, but if you're ever interested. Here.
on July 30, 2014

on July 30, 2014
on July 30, 2014

I just noticed I only need two more followers for two hundred followers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
on July 30, 2014