Are you still on?

excuse me,i cant write on ur wall so im writing here.the next contest is "best funny photo!!" at my page: http://www.qfeast.com/page/V2LLnC/new-contests
on August 01, 2014
on August 01, 2014

Wanna rp

I know I'm just saying that it was really sweet of those people and I was really surprised by te title
on August 01, 2014

Listen. Rose. I don't mean to be rude, but... I feel a lot of people deserve to be the Queen of RP. Some more than you.
on August 01, 2014

No one voted I was like wht role do I play on qfeast idk and someone said that I am master roleplayer and it evolved to rp queen
on August 01, 2014
on August 01, 2014

WAnna role play
on August 01, 2014

the next contest is "really sad love story!!"(its don't need to be in real life). on my page: http://www.qfeast.com/page/V2LLnC/new-contests

new contests!!
this page for new contents, like art and everything,the members will judge.
on August 01, 2014

Wanna rp
on August 01, 2014

Name: Katerina
Age: 16
Species: faerie
Personality: ( I have yet to decide but is a nerd )
Likes: nature learning stuff magic
Dislikes: use of drugs ( any type ) on any creature unless absolutely necessary
Looks: ( picture ) See More
Crush: we'll see
Age: 16
Species: faerie
Personality: ( I have yet to decide but is a nerd )
Likes: nature learning stuff magic
Dislikes: use of drugs ( any type ) on any creature unless absolutely necessary
Looks: ( picture ) See More
Crush: we'll see
on August 01, 2014

Anyone wanna roleplay

(Sure and Yuri does go to school)
Yuri:-gets changes quickly and its a similiar outfit except its white and blue, snaps fingers and a backpack thats white and blue appears and its already packed- Should be ready,.
Yuri:-gets changes quickly and its a similiar outfit except its white and blue, snaps fingers and a backpack thats white and blue appears and its already packed- Should be ready,.
on August 01, 2014

on August 01, 2014

Kagome: I meant tonight?
Yuri: Sure, and school?. Right,,
Kagome: You..dont have a uniform do you?
Yuri: Nope..
Yuri: Sure, and school?. Right,,
Kagome: You..dont have a uniform do you?
Yuri: Nope..
on August 01, 2014
on August 01, 2014

KK RoseHeart we have the same number of followers now, so the race is on!
on August 01, 2014

Hey can you do Miyuki using a cool base
on July 31, 2014

the next contest is "really sad love story!!"(its don't need to be in real life). on my page: http://www.qfeast.com/page/V2LLnC/new-contests

new contests!!
this page for new contents, like art and everything,the members will judge.
on July 31, 2014

on July 31, 2014

Wanna rp

Cathryn: *little boy bumps into her and falls* oh are you ok *notices that he has a scraped knee* can I do something *cleans his knee* now your knee won't become sick*smiles
on July 31, 2014
on July 31, 2014