Something weird is happening with the Search Bar on here. I type in something I KNOW exists. I typed in your username, so I could tell you this, but even that didn't work. I had to click on the pages I have subscribed to, because it has a link to your username. I don't know what's happening. Can you tell me what it is?

Well, I typed in some people's usernames, for example Clove, but it just came up with 'Alice' and 'oliverh'. I also typed in a few quizzes, pages and questions, but it only comes up with things closely related. It still won't work.
on October 17, 2013

Please tell what text have you searched
on October 17, 2013
on October 15, 2013

Hi, you know that red bar at the top that says to activate my qfeast account, well, I got the email and copied it into the search bar, but it immediately changes to qfeast.com What can I do?

It's ok , is the same website, but different URL, we will fix this, so it will never redirect like this
on October 15, 2013
on October 13, 2013