Lol, your description is funny.

on January 29, 2014

on January 29, 2014
on January 29, 2014

Good bye everyone for a while...
on January 19, 2014

Reploid_Zero added a new chapter to Reasons To Believe In Jesus Or God
Hard Times
We all got hard times. Don't believe me? Look at my diary page. It's like a chain reaction. Hard times is a result of sin, sin is a result of evil. Take Job from the bible. He had his animals taken from him, his sons a daughters died, his wife and friends didn't comfort him. But did Job blame God? No. He praised God. for it is written, "Now Job was blameless and upright...". He didn't even have all the conviences we do? And what did he do? He prayed and praised God. And God later rewarded him...
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on January 19, 2014

Reploid_Zero added a new chapter to Reasons To Believe In Jesus Or God
About Faith
Well, sorry I didn't type anything in a while, I was pretty busy. Faith is a tricky thing, therefore it is a tricky thing to convince or deceive faith. We can throw the big bang theory out window if we have one thing, faith. If you have faith in your parents, brothers, faith in our founding fathers, ect., why can't we have faith in God? Why can't we have faith that Jesus came to save us? I hear a lot of critics asking, "If Jesus is real, why don't you show me him?". The answer is, you can fin...
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on January 07, 2014

on January 03, 2014

Somethings can't be helped, but we can learn from them. If you feel this way, send this to at least one person; You can't make a big change fast, but with friends, you can do anything, from stopping bullies to changing the government. If one friend goes down, we help 'em up and help tackle their problems. This is the advantage of friendship that solo people don't have, the power to do good and not get tackled easily without a fight.
on December 31, 2013

Reploid_Zero added a new chapter to Reasons To Believe In Jesus Or God
The Sin In Our World And My Reasoning About Hell
OK (I'm going to sidetrack first), if you still think God is a fake and Jesus was just a person who wanted political power, well try not to think of it in that perspective for a moment. If someone says, "You're going to go to hell!", they're almost right, but not quite. What's more to the truth is, "You're supposed to go to hell if You won't believe that Jesus died on the cross for you.". If you get angry at someone for telling you that, just calmly say, "I believe that Jesus came to save me...
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on December 29, 2013

Reploid_Zero added a new chapter to Reasons To Believe In Jesus Or God
Miracles..not real, right?
WRONG! Miracles ARE REAL. Every time a baby is about to be born, there's a chance to die. Like my older brother/sister. It was so small, that mom and dad couldn't tell what it was going to be. As for me, I was born 3 months early, on January 25. The doctor was so sure I was going to die, that they made mom check into the hospital. My mom and dad prayed that I'd be safe. And when I was born, the doctors called me, "A miracle baby.". Under the Christian God they prayed, under the Chrisitan God ...
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on December 27, 2013

Hi! Haven't talked to you in a while :)

It's fine!!!! You don't have to talk to me ASAP!!! Take time off the internet if you need to! No harm done
on February 03, 2014

Ugh. Is it like a costum to swear every where I go?...Sorry I had a bad weekend last weekend.
on January 29, 2014
on December 27, 2013

About what you said,"It's sometimes nice to fail", it's not from Megaman's point of view, you get deleted and your gone.
on December 27, 2013

on December 18, 2013

on December 09, 2013


I'm watching the 2012 TMNT. I think I liked the one before that, not the old school one but the in between.
on December 06, 2013
on December 06, 2013

Reploid_Zero added a new chapter to Detective
The Client, The Rush and What Happened There
I sat myself to breakfast at around 9:30am EST carefully choosing at the Hotel Cafe. I chose 5 strips of bacon, one sausage sandwich and a cup of black coffee.
Did I mention I like old technology? For example, instead of grabbing the new phones that come out, I'm perfectly fine with an old flip phone. I only need the camera for anti-crime like purposes. I use the cell phone a lot when I'm not foolish enough to pass up a chance of using a desk phone (land line). I hardly use the texting fe... Read Full Chapter
Did I mention I like old technology? For example, instead of grabbing the new phones that come out, I'm perfectly fine with an old flip phone. I only need the camera for anti-crime like purposes. I use the cell phone a lot when I'm not foolish enough to pass up a chance of using a desk phone (land line). I hardly use the texting fe... Read Full Chapter
on December 06, 2013

on December 06, 2013

Spike, chin up! And be proud. You can always be what you want to be! And being a great person is a potential for you!
on December 03, 2013

Date: 3-Dec-13; Time: 12:54am EST; Entry: The page is getting uncommon. I need to devise a way of making pages more popular. The Qfeast Marathon page was a big hit. But it's not seeing it's prime time.
on December 03, 2013