They should just get it over with and rename this site to 'Drama Hub'
on October 20, 2020

Queenofshadows added a photo to the starred list

on October 20, 2020

on October 19, 2020

Queenofshadows added a new chapter to Reader X Yandere-Chan

Chapter 2
*The next day. . .*
As you arrive, you see your friends talking as usual, West and Jez not taking their eyes off each other as they do so. 'Nothing too hostile...' you think as you walk up to them, and greet them as usual. Looking around, you see people talking as usual, some studying, some tossing a ball, Ayono staring avidly at you, some eating, some g- wait a second. You look back at Ayono, who keep staring, before noticing you staring back at her, and tries to play it off as a wave and a ... Read Full Chapter
As you arrive, you see your friends talking as usual, West and Jez not taking their eyes off each other as they do so. 'Nothing too hostile...' you think as you walk up to them, and greet them as usual. Looking around, you see people talking as usual, some studying, some tossing a ball, Ayono staring avidly at you, some eating, some g- wait a second. You look back at Ayono, who keep staring, before noticing you staring back at her, and tries to play it off as a wave and a ... Read Full Chapter
on February 16, 2020

Queenofshadows added a new chapter to Reader X Yandere-Chan

Chapter 3 (TW, somebody dies, but no graphicness)
"So where should we eat?" West asks. "Ooh, I know this really good sala-" "NOPE." West interjects "No salad places! It can have salad, but NOT JUST SALAD." Saige rolls her eyes "You really don't like salad, do you?" He shook his head "Tasteless. healthy, rabbit food. If I want something healthy, I eat some pizza. It's got everything you need. Meat brings proteins, the crust is carbs, the cheese brings dairy, and tomato is technically healthy, so there!" This time it's your turn to roll your ...
Read Full Chapter
on October 14, 2020

Almost done with chapter 3
on October 19, 2020

There goes my sleep for the next couple nights
on October 18, 2020

on October 18, 2020

Come on guys we're midway through October we're almost out of this shitty year

theyll go by fast af tho specially cuz theres now incentive to speedrun
NNN is right around the corner, and Christmas is just up the block,
NNN is right around the corner, and Christmas is just up the block,
on October 18, 2020

on October 18, 2020
on October 18, 2020

i feel like shit this morning

No the question is are You alright? I saw that long words thing (tbh I've forgotten what to classify anything as) you wrote earlier and it's a big case of r/suspiciouslyspecific
on October 17, 2020
on October 17, 2020

on October 17, 2020

First day I return and something already happens my god this site man

on October 17, 2020

on October 17, 2020
on October 17, 2020