Hi Wolfie!
Total random question.
Is the "Licensed Qfeaster" a thing you have to earn or is it just...there?
Total random question.
Is the "Licensed Qfeaster" a thing you have to earn or is it just...there?
Oh okay. Thanks!
on December 12, 2015

I been on here for 3 years now. So I'm totally a licensed Qfeaster
on December 12, 2015
Well, I've been on Qfeast for a little more than a year...(sorry if I'm prying)
on December 12, 2015

Well...in my opinion. It's for people who experienced Qfeast for at least a year so....
on December 12, 2015
on December 12, 2015

I'm that forgotten user now. How cool is that?
No one said hi for a week. :/
No one said hi for a week. :/
on December 11, 2015

All you need to know is that I understand you and you understand me. I'm a dog, your a human.
on December 11, 2015

Yes, I am aware that this could technically be spam chain.
Yes, I know you're mad because of this.
Yes, I know you're about to ignore this, then delete this, then move on in your life.
But if you do...
You'll never know how beautiful on the inside you are.
Share this with someone you care about, it might just brighten up their day :)
Yes, I know you're mad because of this.
Yes, I know you're about to ignore this, then delete this, then move on in your life.
But if you do...
You'll never know how beautiful on the inside you are.
Share this with someone you care about, it might just brighten up their day :)
on December 10, 2015

An all time favorite for fat dogs:
Eating, sleeping, barking for treats...sleep, sleep and a bedtime snack from the garbage. c:
Eating, sleeping, barking for treats...sleep, sleep and a bedtime snack from the garbage. c:
on December 10, 2015

Waaaaaaatch out....
I'm a big dog, people. Give me space, I'm coming through. >:3
I'm a big dog, people. Give me space, I'm coming through. >:3
on December 09, 2015

Wolfie likes Heinz better. Hunts Ketchup makes him have the runs. *Curled up with the bottle* :3
on December 09, 2015

Hunt's ketchup is the most nastiest ketchup created.

on December 09, 2015
on December 09, 2015

Wolfie: What should I eat? *Sniffs the cooked, mini sausage links, the applewood bacon and corn beef* Why does it always have to be decisions in life?! *Lowers ears* ....Wait. I can combine them together! A Corn-bacon-link! *Eats them all and burps loudly*
on December 09, 2015

Wolfie: I'm not fat....I'm just heavily layered! 3:<
on December 09, 2015

I can't stand how middle school kids are looking for relationships. Then they get on other people's nerves that they're "boyfriend"/"girlfriend" broke up with them...like...um hello? There's a reason why in high school, we have Junior and Senior proms! You're too young anyway so don't be selling yourself out there because you'll regret it. This is why you barely see me in any internet relationships or in any real life relationships. It's too much stress and I ain't putting up See More with any until I'm old enough. Sorry if this paragraph is about you right now. This wasn't made to hurt you in any way or to embarrass you. I just want to put this out here. Just wait until it's time to go out to prom...then I'll understand why you want a relationship. But right now, worry about your grades, worry about the friends you got at school...worry about what you're giving your parents for christmas...enjoy being a kid. Because when you're grown up, you'll wish that you had someone to buy your food clothes and bills for you. So don't grow up so fast, you can see that 2015 is already gone. That's how fast your childhood would go. Shoot, there was times that I wanted to be 2, 3 years old again, staying home and worrying about nothing but what's on TV and what crayon to use. Geez...quit crying over mates....
on December 09, 2015

Wolfie: Are you a bacon strip girl?
I hear you sizzling in the beach's heat. *Winks*
Chi: Are you serious, Wolfie? You'll never pick up girls like that!
Wolfie: What do you know, you fur ball?
Chi: Ahem...I'm bi-gendered. I'm somewhat of a female myself!
Wolfie: ._. *Sigh*
I hear you sizzling in the beach's heat. *Winks*
Chi: Are you serious, Wolfie? You'll never pick up girls like that!
Wolfie: What do you know, you fur ball?
Chi: Ahem...I'm bi-gendered. I'm somewhat of a female myself!
Wolfie: ._. *Sigh*
on December 08, 2015

I'm okay if you don't like what I do or say, but if you have to be a smart ass then don't talk to me. It's settled.

Kaley:*howls in agreement*I KNOW RIGHT!If your wanna talk 'smart ass' fine,but first,go to college get a masters degree then graduate become the most famous and smartest person in the world THEN we can talk smart ass.LOL
on December 09, 2015

on December 08, 2015

I mean. Yes, you can say how you feel, but don't talk to me like I owe you stuff. Then that pisses me off so...don't do it.
I mean. Yes, you can say how you feel, but don't talk to me like I owe you stuff. Then that pisses me off so...don't do it.
on December 08, 2015
on December 08, 2015

Obese_Doggo_boi subscribed to page

Qfeast Christmas Party! (and other holidays too)
on December 08, 2015

on December 08, 2015

Everyone on Qfeast is crying....
I'm the only one that's punching the wall
I'm the only one that's punching the wall
on December 08, 2015

That moment when you argue with your friend and eventually you guys end up looking like Biggie and Tupac_ End up dissing each other
on December 08, 2015

Damn...just wanted to joke with a friend and she ends up f*cking spazzing out....damn. Not my fault that you don't get my joke. -_-

on December 08, 2015

Besides, I told her that I wasn't blaming her and she had to continuing pushing me off like a complete asshole...
Besides, I told her that I wasn't blaming her and she had to continuing pushing me off like a complete asshole...
on December 08, 2015

It was a roleplay. If I was dead serious, I would tell them in person. -_-
It was a roleplay. If I was dead serious, I would tell them in person. -_-
on December 08, 2015
on December 08, 2015