on November 22, 2014

Nadia:*at base, setting up for a fresh batch of newbies flowing in*
*again arranging the teddies, knowing teles were common*
*again arranging the teddies, knowing teles were common*

Winslow: *He nodded, tracing the bloody rings on his.palms, knowing that beneath was the scars from.countless times he'd done it. He closed his eyes, lost in thought, thinking about how life would be different if he'd been raised in a different environment.*
on November 30, 2014

Nadia:*nodding, silently hoping he wouldn't repeat the action* You can still move them though. *his easy control of his hands reassuring*
on November 30, 2014

Winslow: *He smiled.slightly, opening his hands to look at them.* They're fine...I don't feel as much in them as I use to...Guess that's just my bodys reaction...solution...
on November 30, 2014

Nadia:*pushing away a wave of guilt, moving on* How are your hands? *pointing to his concealed palms*
on November 29, 2014

Winslow: *He looked over at her now, tilting his head slightly.*
*He took his ring off, fiddling with it in his fingers anxiously, suddenly wondering what time it was
but pushing the thought away carelessly, enjoying having Nadia care about him
too much to want to go back.*
*He took his ring off, fiddling with it in his fingers anxiously, suddenly wondering what time it was
but pushing the thought away carelessly, enjoying having Nadia care about him
too much to want to go back.*
on November 23, 2014
on November 20, 2014

on November 19, 2014

Owl says hi!
" "
Started By --> Stars_In_The_Sky
" "
Started By --> Stars_In_The_Sky
on November 19, 2014

Serperior:*swimming, surprisingly lithe and graceful in the water*

Serperior:*eyes narrowing in interest, dark and deep green, serious* Which city? What was the cause?
on November 20, 2014

Serperior:No, like a recent disaster, or some kind of big happenstance, something of interest. *elaborating, tail gesturing to illustrate the poitn*
on November 19, 2014

Serperior:*bored, flicking her tail creating an arc of rainbow droplets* Tell me something interesting.
on November 19, 2014

Serperior:So a combination of the two. *nods, sinking back into the warmer water* It is lovely today. *only her vibrant green eyes showing above the water*
on November 19, 2014

Serperior:*nods* Are you around here for any particular reason? Swim? To slake your thirst?
on November 19, 2014
on November 19, 2014

Hey! You're one of my followers! BalletBear thinks you're grrrrreat! I have thoroughly enjoyed everything I've collaborated with you on! You're such a joy and I can't wait to see what you think of next. Vive la Revolution!

Ahhhhhhhhhh now I understand, you going 100 and over :D you took the time and trouble to message each and every one, that's why you deserve them mate ;)
on November 19, 2014
on November 18, 2014

Oliver:* ordering pizza, sitting down with a Hawaiian special*
*appreciating the hot food, chewing vigorously*
*still in the same form, though accelerated to look 17 - his own age)
*appreciating the hot food, chewing vigorously*
*still in the same form, though accelerated to look 17 - his own age)

Kayla: Oh and that REALLY cleared things up!?! *she huffed and bounced after her sister* What just happened?!
Miranda: We found another like us. Seems I was wrong.
Kayla: *she stared stunned her sister admitted she was wrong and was baffled into speechlessness until they got home*
Miranda: We found another like us. Seems I was wrong.
Kayla: *she stared stunned her sister admitted she was wrong and was baffled into speechlessness until they got home*
on November 16, 2014

Oliver:*gaze turning to her, amused face* Apparently your sister read my mind and didn't run away screaming. *brushing past her, nodding goodbye*
on November 16, 2014

Miranda: All of those things I possess but aren't my true power. *she flashed a smile* Each being a subcategory of an immense power I don't think you could quite conceive. Hopefully your assumptions will give you enough protection-- for now. *she smiled again, a Cheshire grin twisted into something much more mysterious than that of a goofy cat*
*with that she See More sauntered off in the direction of the apartment building*
Kayla: What the actual f*ck just happened?! *she looked to Olivier, naive to the happenings*
*with that she See More sauntered off in the direction of the apartment building*
Kayla: What the actual f*ck just happened?! *she looked to Olivier, naive to the happenings*
on November 16, 2014
on November 16, 2014

on November 15, 2014

Nadia:*setting up small, unbreakable objects, trying to think of every possible accident she had seen in everyone's mind's eye*
*frowns, hearing idle mind chatter from down the hall, recognising teen members*
*opens the door* Come in. *skipping over their predictable surprise at her anticipating their arrival*
*frowns, hearing idle mind chatter from down the hall, recognising teen members*
*opens the door* Come in. *skipping over their predictable surprise at her anticipating their arrival*

Winslow: *He hugged her back, burying his face in her shoulder.*
*He let a few tears escape hearing her words, wondering why she was so kind to him,
not being used to people comforting him.*
*He sniffled, letting the thought fade away as he vented, feeling loved for the first time in a long time.*
*He act of kindness was alien to him, he was never treated this See More way at home, even his brothers were frustrated and
didn't mind taking their anger out on him.*
*He let a few tears escape hearing her words, wondering why she was so kind to him,
not being used to people comforting him.*
*He sniffled, letting the thought fade away as he vented, feeling loved for the first time in a long time.*
*He act of kindness was alien to him, he was never treated this See More way at home, even his brothers were frustrated and
didn't mind taking their anger out on him.*
on November 16, 2014

Nadia:*a pang going to her heart, at the red mark imprinted on his cheek*
*abandoning her first thought and enveloping him in a hug, knowing he needed support most of all* You're not a coward. You are strong. You don't hit back. You don't hurt anyone else, you let yourself take the damage. You don't even cry for help. *talking with her face hidden, knowing her See More voice was too quiet to be heard but he'd listen to her thoughts*
*abandoning her first thought and enveloping him in a hug, knowing he needed support most of all* You're not a coward. You are strong. You don't hit back. You don't hurt anyone else, you let yourself take the damage. You don't even cry for help. *talking with her face hidden, knowing her See More voice was too quiet to be heard but he'd listen to her thoughts*
on November 16, 2014

Winslow: *He did as she said and opened the door.*
*He didn't look at her, feeling ashamed of how cowardly he was,
having run away from his problems to hide away.*
*He didn't look at her, feeling ashamed of how cowardly he was,
having run away from his problems to hide away.*
on November 16, 2014

Nadia:*gaze saddens, hearing the attempt to hide his cheek. Come out. Here. *putting a cool hand out, intending to put it to his cheek*
on November 16, 2014

Winslow: *He stiffened in surprise as he heard Nadia in his head, knocking at the door.*
*His hand flew to his cheek, where it was swelled, not wanting her to see it.*
*He cracked the door open barely an inch to look out at her, his cheek not visible in doing so.*
*His hand flew to his cheek, where it was swelled, not wanting her to see it.*
*He cracked the door open barely an inch to look out at her, his cheek not visible in doing so.*
on November 16, 2014
on November 12, 2014

Name:Oliver Hardy
Appearance:However he wants. Does not reveal his true self to just anyone, normally puts up an illusion of a tanned, black/green/silver haired lanky teen not yet grown into his body.
Backstory:Has learned to put up a front after years of hiding a secret tbd. Is very good at acting any personality, a first class faker.
Flaw:Is sometimes too good at hiding. Will disappear at a moment's notice, and will not tell anyone of See More his troubles or fears.
Appearance:However he wants. Does not reveal his true self to just anyone, normally puts up an illusion of a tanned, black/green/silver haired lanky teen not yet grown into his body.
Backstory:Has learned to put up a front after years of hiding a secret tbd. Is very good at acting any personality, a first class faker.
Flaw:Is sometimes too good at hiding. Will disappear at a moment's notice, and will not tell anyone of See More his troubles or fears.
on November 12, 2014

Name:Nadia Sharn (Tutor)
Powers:Mind reader, can block it out most of the time
Appearance:Tall, ashy blonde air, grey eyes
Backstory:From a rich family, founded the Hypowered Club after being fired from several jobs for knowing too much and perceiving people's secrets on sight. Knows how to anticipate people's next moves, having such a good understanding of human nature.
Family:Successful businessmen from a long line of corporate CEOs. Some may say the ability is passed See More down in tiny amounts, giving each member a slight advantage over competition, and occasionally some generations it is amplified like Nadia.
Flaw:Sometimes gets bored, having no mystery to people and what they think. Has no patience for lies or deception whatsoever. Has in the past exploited her abilities to her advantage.
Powers:Mind reader, can block it out most of the time
Appearance:Tall, ashy blonde air, grey eyes
Backstory:From a rich family, founded the Hypowered Club after being fired from several jobs for knowing too much and perceiving people's secrets on sight. Knows how to anticipate people's next moves, having such a good understanding of human nature.
Family:Successful businessmen from a long line of corporate CEOs. Some may say the ability is passed See More down in tiny amounts, giving each member a slight advantage over competition, and occasionally some generations it is amplified like Nadia.
Flaw:Sometimes gets bored, having no mystery to people and what they think. Has no patience for lies or deception whatsoever. Has in the past exploited her abilities to her advantage.
on November 12, 2014

on November 12, 2014

Akala:*making a spice blend for Marcus, now the chief cook that his wife was gone*
*crushing them with a bowl and stick, inhaling the divine smell*
*crushing them with a bowl and stick, inhaling the divine smell*

on November 22, 2014

Ela: *scoffs* We barely have a conversation and when we do, it ends with me getting kicked out!
on November 22, 2014

Akala:Open your mouth, and point your head in his direction. *sees her serious face and shakes her head* I don't know. You seemed to be doing well together in practices I've seen.
on November 22, 2014
on November 10, 2014