The term "hedge" comes from the fact that the practitioner rides the divide between this world and others.
Hedge witches do most of their work through their astral body. They explore different realms and may even act as mediators between worlds. The astral realm is also where they work on sowing the seeds to manifesting what they desire in their physical lives.
You seem to have a natural aptitude for lucid dreaming, or you frequently experience sleep paralysis. These are said to be ideal foundations to eventually venture into the astral realm.
The Hush Hush Saga by Becca Fitzpatrick is the story of Nora Grey and Patch Cipriano as they battle against demonic forces in Coldwater, Maine. When Nora and Patch are made partners in biology class, Nora is less than enthused. And when Nora's life becomes rife with danger and mystery, she finds that it all leads back to Patch. Who is he, and what could his goal be? If I'm recommending this series to you, it may be because you like a good mystery, appreciate characters with a little big of edge, and you believe the best things in life involve a little risk. You're a little more academically minded than others, liking to read and keep learning.