Which Hogwarts House Do You TRULY Belong In? AmazinglyAmberYT published on January 28 Stacked 1/8 What's your favorite time of day? Morning Afternoon Evening Night Any time, really 2/8 Choose a creature to have as a pet... Owl Phoenix Snake Niffler Dog 3/8 What kind of books do you prefer? Non-fiction Thrillers or dramas Mystery novels Feel-good tales Adventure stories 4/8 How do you handle conflict? Ignore it and hope it goes away Avoid it if possible Talk it through logically Manipulate to your advantage Confront it directly 5/8 Which of these do you value most? Knowledge Power Courage Friendship Normality 6/8 How would you describe your style? Bold and daring Classic and sophisticated Casual and comfortable Elegant and refined Simple and practical 7/8 Pick a magical subject to study... I'd rather not study magic Potions Transfiguration Herbology Defense Against the Dark Arts 8/8 Choose a word to describe yourself... Practical Brave Loyal Intelligent Cunning