Sorry everyone. It's been a while. Been through a lot recently and am now getting back into as much of a routine as I can. Plus, if you can believe it, my school blocked qfeast! And only now am I able to go back on it. :)

Yeah, maybe. Do I know you irl?
on February 25, 2016

Can you please send people to my page I only have 7 followers
on February 24, 2016
on February 23, 2016

OMG I can't believe that the next movie comes out in 2018!! That's so far away... :(
on October 05, 2015

So... Anyone can post here and we can chat and stuff if you guys want to.
on October 05, 2015

Guess what? I can do the Rubik's Cube!!!

That's how you spell it. Cool! I can do like one side but then I'm like:
"How the hell do you do this thing?"
Yeah. Ah well. I don't really have the patience to do one though *shrugs*
"How the hell do you do this thing?"
Yeah. Ah well. I don't really have the patience to do one though *shrugs*
on May 06, 2016
on September 25, 2015

@NekoSlaveGirl, I understand grief. I have been going through some major grief myself. My mother just passed away in June from 4th stage Glioblastoma (the worst brain cancer). She was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis ten years ago, when I had barely entered school. She was the light of my life, and the gentlest person I know. I simply don't understand why she of all people would be diagnosed with a cancer so terminal it became stage four in three months. It was the size of a See More lemon when the doctors found it, and she had brain surgery two days later. They said at the time that if she had let it go without surgery she would have passed away in three weeks or less. I am glad they found it when they did, or else I wouldn't have had the time I did with her. Still, I couldn't imagine if she was taken away from me as suddenly as your friend and her mother were. I know it is what everyone says, but my condolences. I'm sure you are as tired of hearing that as I am. If you need anything, send me a message and I'll respond. Maybe not right away, because I have school, but I will respond. This offer extends to anyone else who needs a digital shoulder to lean or cry on too.
on September 25, 2015

Mcdazzle2000 asked a question
Was/is high school different than expected? Was/is your high school experience differen...
on September 11, 2015

If people could please comment on my stories, that would be very helpful to me when editing. Thank you.
on September 11, 2015

on August 30, 2015

Happy Birthday @Mcdazzle2000 Here's your present *throws pie*
on August 09, 2015

OMG do you guys remember all the stupid updates qfeast used to do, like every time you got on there was a new update and it was worse than the one before. I used to yell at my computer because the updates sucked. :p
on July 09, 2015

Thank you everyone for your support. Thanks to all my amazing friends. Without you, I don't know how i would make it through this.
on July 09, 2015